Robert Posts Child

sequel as extended club remix

Sequels inherently affect the meaning and re-contextualize. The question is whether the film is cognizant of that and is deliberate in its choices in that regard, or if it is just leveraging the prior work to exist in the aesthetic space that it created.

Aw hells yeah, this weekend just got way better. Didn’t even know this was coming, but Wolf Alice is great.

The next step is for these towns to develop their own bands that will stick around so they can do much smaller versions of these “festivals” year round, visiting different venues in the area. Because of the reduced costs involved, they can combine workspace with living space, practicing out of garages and such things

Ah dang, I should probably go finish those books, huh.

What are you trying to get at with this comment? What would you like to see happen? What do you think you are talking about? What is the relevance, and to what is it relevant?

That... is good to know.

RIP. This is heartbreaking, but it’s comforting in a way to hear how much people loved his live performances and knowing he was able to be on the receiving end of that.

one of the world’s most perfect movies: Galaxy Quest.

Honestly I’d be very surprised if the majority of the people seeing 2017 It weren’t too young to remember the Tim Curry version, or at least never got around to it. The cultural memory/impact is acting as huge part of the draw, sure, but this seems like a case of reeling in the newbies that lack the actual memory,

I’d go less ‘sunk cost’ and more ‘time spent enjoying it’, but sure. Crichton is less flubbed endings and more just either being an overall hit or miss, though, in my experience.

Agreed on MGSV - it is absolutely phenomenal in its gameplay. I usually tend to be a bit obsessive about doing missions ‘right’ and sneaking all the way through, but with that game everything going horribly wrong and exploding into crazy shooting could often be just as fun (not always, but often enough).

Would you recommend saving the DLC’s for post-game, or are they fine to try out whenever? I’ve got the little icon for the Tournament sitting there on my map but I’ve been hesitant about jumping into it just yet.

Man, what I would give to have sat in on that recording session.

I get what you mean about Binary Domain, the bosses can be a pain but man is the shooting fun. For what it’s worth I’d say stick with it - if I recall correctly the most aggravating boss fights were early on, although admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve played it.

That is one of the most videogame-ass things I have ever heard of.

Sleeping Dogs, after sitting in my ‘to play’ queue for months now, and I totally understand the hype now. The kung fu is a blast, the driving is a blast (although both don’t really click until you manage to unlock some of the relevant abilities, but fortunately that doesn’t take very long). The story is solid in a way

Let me tell you, lots of people are talking about this. The best people. The media doesn’t want you to know this, but believe me, people, they talk about this. So much.

Not saying you’youre wrong, but you do see how the counter-example you gave entirely supports the class-oriented old school conservatism IV is saying is present in the films, right?

You may think that’s Jake Gyllenhaal making another worryingly hard swing in weight for a prestige role, but that’s actually just Tatiana Maslany playing both characters. Easy mistake to make.