Robert Posts Child

I suppose, although I thought they struck a good balance of making him more sympathetic without conflicting with or backtracking from what had come before, since he still acted as a counterpoint to Matt ( I also didn’t mind the ninjas as much as everyone else did, so YMMV)

Been meaning to check that one out, I guess now’s the time...

“drift off peacefully to sleep with the soothing sounds of constant aggravated workplace beratement and gunfire”


The whole reason Castle worked so well in DD was that they felt no obligation to try to smooth the edges or make him more palatable. They were honest about it and made him an unhinged psycho. You could sympathize, sure, maybe understand him, without having to agree with him.

hey guys, Kelly is totally going to clean things up and bring a level hand to steer the White House towards sanity. He’s totally fostering a level of respectable discourse within the administration. Its ok to like him, because he’s a general, and army mans are smart. Just like us.


Can’t fool me, I know this is a stealth Jason Bourne movie delving into the history of the Treadstone project!

This fall, Matt Damon is... Horny.

Look you punks can talk all the shit you want about choreography, that episode was fucking dope. Survivalist-mode Kirk facing off against a giant fucking lizard and he just builds himself a fucking mortar out of space-bamboo or some shit.

You’re supposed to headbutt their nose, which consists of soft cartilage, not the forehead.

The real news is that A) he’ll be doing this with a Kiwi accent and B) they’re going back through all of Mad Men and dubbing over it so that he has the accent there, too.

I do love how the weird strain of anti-French attitude in the U.S. is somehow based around the French needing the U.S. to rescue them in WWII, but nobody seems to care about how we rushed in to supposedly clean up their mess in Vietnam.

Ah, Twitter, the new place for all those 2 AM dorm-room rants you made but everyone was too stoned or busy making out to listen.

It’s a wholly legitimate attitude to take, I think. Experience is inherently personal, so you want to protect that personal facet of it rather than have it defined for you, because when that happens, there’s arguably little or nothing to be gained from the experience at all.

Being able to approach something on your own terms - or rather, it’s own terms - is huge in a way I don’t think gets enough credit, particularly given the internet’s slavish devotion to the backlash/backlash-to-the-backlash circle of life. Preconceptions can’t just be dismissed and context is everything. Being

If it’s on season 2, does that mean everyone’s already made the requisite jokes about who would win in a fight between them and the Stranger Things kids?

The “__ Fucks Good” line of titles really peaked with Air Bud, although obviously the Knuckles version is the one that everyone remembers.

The auto-recap skip is another thing - for most shows, it’s fine, but for something like Jane the Virgin, the recap is arguably a legit part of the show, so not even being given the choice to skip that is much more noticeable.

It’s not even a “but what if I want to see the credits?” issue. Personally, I don’t think most people want to have rando shit shoved in their face immediately after finishing a movie. There’s no way to just get up for the bathroom, sit back and let the movie sink in, anything like that.