The unabashed Magnificent Seven-ness of the whole thing is great.
The unabashed Magnificent Seven-ness of the whole thing is great.
And risk touching their massive, crab-boosted erections?
This was a good episode for that. Dany's "I just realized I'm sad you're leaving" face when they're putting the plan together was very touching and subtle in a way we rarely get with her.
Neither middle aged nor familiar with the actors prior to watching the first one but loved it. Thought the second was pleasant if somewhat repetitive - plus ending on a rather weird note, with Rob desperately trying to justify his adventures in adultery.
… I'm gonna have to start watching this show now, huh.
Schadenfreude. Fun to say, fun to feel!
In a weird limbo where I've got several games on deck, all partially completed, which of course means I'm not really feeling any of them and it's probably time to take a break for a little while. That said, Bayonetta has been on my 'should see what the deal is with this' list for years, so getting it off Games with…
I would guess Lautner is more firmly in the "I ain't got shit to prove" camp, although I don't think he's gone full Ron Weasley with llamas and ice cream trucks or anything.
Wasn't the sequel that nobody saw about Salamis? The one with Eva Green? FWIW, I guess.
Cameron having hissy fits because people don't want to be in his stupid fucking movies is not surprising at all but still very, very satisfying to hear.
I just went from not knowing about this at all to not reading the rest of the review because I want to know as little as possible going into it.
That's the "Pop pop!" guy.
Has this friend heard of Divekick?
They should make a villain that's just someone who was trying to keep track of current events in the Marvel world and consequently went insane.
Don't get me wrong, I kinda love that they're doing this, but as someone who hasn't seen any of these, making a wider web of spinoffs doesn't exactly help those of us who already have trouble distinguishing all these conjurings and sinisters and insidiousnesses and whateverthepants.
I only know of the book as being one of many during that seemingly endless run of coming-of-age-in-the-mid-20th-century-with-some-manner-of-abuse-involved novel/memoirs from 10 years back, so no expectations there, but that the Short Term 12 guy plays it safe is rather disappointing, given that he's proven capable of…
There's no way it doesn't sound like Beaker from Muppets.
Aw fuck I still need to watch Atlanta…
I too, prefer my women not to turn into shuffling bald eggs at random intervals.
The title is what makes it seem odd, unless they mean it in more of a "Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales" kind of way, although that still doesn't actually work…