Robert Posts Child

If you're just making shit up, invoking "accuracy" to justify being tedious and repetitive isn't a particularly strong argument, is what I was getting at.

I'd say he at least gets points for… consistency, but on the other hand Cafe Society barely even qualified as a movie in any meaningful sense. That he's making films at all seems to be more noteworthy than any of the actual films themselves anymore.

Well the fire-breath has to come from somewhere, and if we imagine there's some napalm-like substance involved…

I mean, it would've been nice if the villains had some way of signifying they were villains other than 'and now I will refer to having performed/threaten to enact sexual assault in the middle of my monologue, because that is how you know I am an evil' in such a ham-fisted way that it seemed like there was an actual

Don't you go making me sympathetic for the creatures behind such creations.

The little bit of preview stuff I'd seen had given the impression that this was a gussied up pseudo-historical hack-n-slasher. That it is in fact something else entirely (or at least, something more) is a delight to hear.

Being artificially increased in size has to come with some additional buoyancy, no?

The ease of use on the scorpion honestly might have been the major selling point on it when ballistas already exist in the world. That was some Van Helsing shit going on.

My high school tried to do "ad astra per aspera" so at this point I think we need John Cleese to come in and sort this out.

Coal Miner's Daughter, dammit!

If he'd started out with that, before she'd said anything, it might've been enough in a very Northern sort of way (albeit still uncharacteristic for Bran, which is the point) but another thing to consider is that she likely suspected that Bran was gone already and was actually pressing the issue to test him. She was

Something a little more heartfelt than literally just a "thank you" that she had to prod him to say in the first place, is all. Like, "Hey, we went through some crazy shit and I would be dead if it wasn't for you, I can never repay you for what you've done but if there's ever anything I can do, sorry about the kid

At this rate, that's all they'll have.

The brief little shot of his face turning away as the soldiers turned to ash in the wind was what got me.

Which they seem to have largely sidestepped or ignored, especially by giving Bran access to all the old episode scripts anyway, unless Daddy Reed is set to make an appearance this season (I don't want to know if they've announced he is or anything).

-The tracking shot of Bronn was maybe a little too reminiscent of Jon's tracking shot from last season, but fuck it, it looked rad.

Killing him off would almost defeat the point of the character, in a way. Bronn is the tough bastard that goes through some of the craziest shit on the show and lives to see another day.

Lead poisoning!

It's a question of diminishing returns. Killing people off to show the stakes, or for shock factor? They've been doing that for the past 7 seasons. Just being like "hey this is the episode where another character dies" would honestly just feel cheaper at this point than miraculously escaping death. Save it for when it

Imagine Bran whispering that in her ear when she hugged him, though.