Robert Lee

I wonder if this is all because there's another massive gun welding, alien ass-kicking, shoot anything that moves type a guy that's making his return this summer as well?!

I bet it still has that shitty .1s lag most wheel controllers have.

I think a better test would have been airsoft or paintball. It is easier to focus when you don't have a time limit and are just shooting at a stationary target.

I find it funny that half the letters are related to Nintendo characters.

aaaand GT6 will take another 7+ years to develop. Meanwhile, we'll have a Forza 4 5 and 6 which look as good or better than GT5.

I find it amusing that Apple has managed to turn something as simple as multi-tasking, a thing much less powerful computers could do over a decade ago, into the bright shiny new thing simply because their devices didn't support it from the get-go. ZOMG! My iPad has 90's functionality now!? WOOT!

Meh on the ad, but I'm looking forward to playing the game.

I have no interest in ESPN, constant commercial spam all over the dashboard, and adding stick bumps and key presses just to start my damn game or movie. I'm sure Microsoft is making plenty of money off of advertising on the 360 to offset exclusives. I've already cut way back on how many games I buy for 360 because

Why play without social content? Because A-Not everyone has access to an always-on internet connection (or are xenophobic), and B-Many people don't want random douchebags with 1337 #@x interrupting their single-player cinematic experience in a high quality shooter, RTS, and other non-casual '__ville/__wars/__world'

On word. STEAM.

So, you're saying 0:45, people can run on water? Sorry, but that was a gag reel. There is something under the water. In my book, that's still 'visual trickery' when they're claiming to be able to run on water.

I really enjoyed the full game. Sadly, there were only about 5 hours to single-player. I'm sure I'll get a lot more play time out of MP and Tier 1, though. Aside from that, I really enjoyed the story.

@707kevin: + The rifling of the pistol's barrel puts spin on the bullet to keep it stable during flight. Wouldn't surprise me if this is possible under the right conditions.

Hobo != Homeless

@kaffeen: Amen. Most of the 3D movies I've seen have been really unimpressive (latest Resident Evil as a case in point). Plus, I wear glasses, so I have to wear the stupid 3D glasses over my prescription glasses if I want to do anything 3D when I'm further than 6' from the screen. Until they have 3D TVs which don't

I always wonder why when people say the Black Ops is coming on on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360... errr, Its also coming out on the Wii as well dumbass.