Robert Lee

@Zazu_Yen: Yep, keep pumping tons of cash into Thinkgeek and Jinx, trendlords! The only downside I've seen is Jinx has been churning out more artsy SoCal 'bro' designs on their shirts lately. At least Thinkgeek has kept their designs nice and clean.

Cheap things come to those who wait.

Where's my cake?

Bad Level Design.

Man, if Valve and Capcom where to come together to make a Zombie game it would be a match made in Undead Heaven. Or Hell.

About time they integrated Motion Plus with the Wii Remote. It saves having an extra longer rubbery thing on the end of your remote (no pun intendoed)

"People are willing to disproportionately spend for these devices because they are becoming so important to their lives," I have yet to buy an iPad and have zero interest until they can do everything a tablet can (photoshop, modeling, run OPEN SOURCE APPS). What that quote reaffirms is that people are stupid and

APB was a good BASE for a game, but it became to repetitive too quickly, matchmaking was extremely unbalanced (lvl 20s vs lvl 150+?!), and there wasn't much to do in the social districts while waiting for friends to show up. There needed to be a genuine crafting minigame and better filtering of CRAP on the market.

Worth every penny, even at full price.

Does anyone know if this is exculsive to Wii or is it going to be on other versions of the game?

So who is bringing the AIDS to the party?

For-profit schools which have no entrance requirements to enroll are a scam. Anyone thinking they can just go from no art/design/programming skill to a game school and magically get a job are either a special kind of stupid, or have believed the BS these schools vomit out.

"GT fans wouldn't have it any other way." Actually, I would prefer a game which has FUN driving, SHORT load times, and worse graphics, than something which feels wooden, takes minutes to load a race (possibly including restarts), and looks like real life. They should have settled on something years ago which looked

@NotSure2010: Many of those items don't need to be made using plastic; Mops (steel, cloth, wood), Parachutes (silk, cloth), combs (metal, wood, stone, crystal), paint brushes (hair, metal, wood)... The list goes on and on. We might actually be better off without things being made of plastic. We don't need to be a

The missile launch at 0:20 look like special events that happen on and around the map in real-time. In other words Awesome.

How would the front swingarm turn the front wheel? I guess if you only want to go in a straight line, that would make sense. In the real world, we need to turn.


Just buy music direct from the artist as much as possible.

@blash: Exactly. We're spending more as tax-payers allowing the corporations to waste court time on this crap, than they'll ever see in actual fines paid by these individuals.

30 songs? So that is on average 2 to 3 albums. $45 tops if you're stupid enough to buy your music in a mall where they're $15+/album. So that is about 1500 times the value of what was stolen. Yeah... that makes sense. Are car thieves fined 1500 times the value of the car they steal? Oh, I forgot, we're