Robert Lee

It claims to be Only on Playstation when in fact it's also available.... on the Wii. And has been for over a year.

Hold on a sec, the game isn't on 360 yet!

Army of Two allowed you to play any unlocked level, and I think Crysis does the same. More games could do the same if they set up 'simple' scripted stages and aren't a rather complex RPG which already allows saving just about anywhere. With most shooters being based on checkpoints, it wouldn't be hard to have each

My friends and I currently play GRAW2 on PC using a mod pack (much more weapon kit variety) and maps with over 1,500 enemies. If no editor is released (like Rainbow Six Vegas) and they dumb the series down too much, we'll probably migrate to Battlefield 3 or Flashpoint.

If you look at the first line of numbers it actually make some sort of date? 110706

Just had a lot of fun playing Brink over lunch with my work buddies. Take reviews with a grain of salt. This game has its oddities because of the vastly different movement system, and slow unlock structure, but overall I'm enjoying it thus far.

Half-Life 3 = Half-Life 2 + Portal 2?

I think this may very well be my next laptop in a few years when my M17x dies of old age. Much lighter than the M17x, a good lump lighter than the M15x, I don't bother with SLI, so the video/RAM/CPU options are spot-on, and it has a built-in disc drive, unlike the M11x. Plus, I imagine the 14" screen is a lot better

I don't get why they don't have it available on Steam as well. I'm playing fewer and fewer games on console nowadays. Physical disks suck. I can play my Steam games on any PC I own or upgrade to. Can't do that with a console.

@TheLAG: Does anyone do spell check on this site? I keep seeing dirt simple spelling and grammar errors in almost every article I've been reading on game news sites.

Are you sure he was shooting a machine gun in that video? I mean, they're only showing him from the chest down and he's getting pretty aggressive there with a cute waitress nearby.

Hell yes. If this is Planetside with MMO resource game attached, I might get back into Eve.

He probably had a ton of torrented games and music on his hard drives. Hmm, frag the drives and run away and you might get some jail time. Turn in the drives and get caught red-handed being a high-profile software pirate... $$$$$$.

@fuchikoma: Yep, here's a short list;

Boohoo, someone wore a swastika, and it wasn't a nazi or neo-nazi jackass! How about we take the symbol back instead of wallowing in shame over what a bunch of genocidal assholes did over 60 years ago!

If Microsoft and Sony move toward the Valve system of game purchases (buy once, and it is there for life, on ANY device you log into) and put SSDs in their next consoles, I'm sold, both as a developer and gamer. I just hope they don't skimp on the RAM, because you can only squeeze so much of the game world into

*cough cough* Rune.

Hacking your PS3 and sending off the info to Sony letting them know they have a weakness in their system is fine. Publicly releasing a hack which can make it easy for people to play pirated software on their consoles is what this case is about. The same legal hell would fall upon anyone releasing a hack which allows

PC games don't have to be exclusives to rule over their console counterparts. Just look at how often PC versions of popular games run better, have faster patch support, and often play as well or better than the console version. Left4Dead 2 keeps getting FREE DLC on Steam.

Hacking a PS3 so people can play pirated games? Wow man, yeah, you're a hero to game developers across the world. While you're at it, go steal some cars, groceries, and gasoline. I'm sure the dealerships, grocery stores, and fueling stations would really appreciate your continued expressions of freedom too.