Robert Lee

I'm going to be annoyed if they spend all this time on pretty graphics and particle effects, then end up having laughable (or no) damage scaling.

The only problem I see with showing real names on forums is stalkers (stalking female players) or angry losers trying to track down someone who griefed them in game. With millions of people playing WoW, I wouldn't be surprised if there are at least a few people crazy enough to stalk people in real life if they had

I call bullshit. They have a big ZERO feedback on ebay and $35,000 sounds extraordinarily cheap for a full carbon fiber frame and the other custom bits they're supposedly using. Either these motorcycles are just showpieces that don't actually go anywhere, or they're not street legal and don't turn.

Not sure why they need iPhone users' locations? Hello! Advertising $$$. If you can show data that millions of users are spread out across different physical locations (stores, malls, or even just NEAR an advertiser's store), Apple can send custom-tailored advertising to your phone to get you to drag your ass to

The fan noise in that clip is VERY loud. Makes me think they have no AC and horrible ventilation in that room... Two big LCD screens + BRIGHT ceiling lights + tons of electronics + no AC + crap ventilation = gaming fail.

How about we start executing BP executives and bankers who created the economic and environmental mess we're in? THAT would deter white collar crime.

How about we start executing BP executives and bankers who created the economic and environmental mess we're in? THAT would deter white collar crime.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! From the beginning I had a funny feeling that there would be a Star Wars Game for "Kinect".

When i first saw this article or at least the name of this article, i had the idea that Ubi had replaced and plasted the face and body of Jake Gillianhal onto the original boxart.

I not know if this is true or not but i've heard that the much missed Online Co-op is returning for the first time since Lego Star Wars. Is that true or am i going to have to play this game by myself again?

inFamous was good game and inFamous 2 could be even better.

I can see what they mean when they said that the entire studio was working on the COD: BO.

I had the same experience with the audience when I watched Kick-Ass (for the 3rd time). The audience just laughed at him being stabbed and then laughed even harder when he got hit the car.

I had the same experience with the audience when I watched Kick-Ass (for the 3rd time). The audience just laughed at him being stabbed and then laughed even harder when he got hit the car.

I had the same experience with the audience when I watched Kick-Ass (for the 3rd time). The audience just laughed at him being stabbed and then laughed even harder when he got hit the car.

Believe me there is a Star Wars lightsaber game coming.