Robert Cowie

@Moocat: Well, I don't upgrade everything every year, but if you own a decent amount of software there will inevitably be a paid upgrade path happening every year whether you like it or not. Generally if you wait too long to buy said upgrade your discounted upgrade path goes away, so I tend to upgrade most as soon as

@Woden501: I have not seen this distro before...thanks!

@muzicman82: I applaud your post as a recording musician for the last 30yrs myself. This argument between MAC/PC always made me belly laugh.

I challenge LH to write an article on how to get a working home-studio setup using Linux and open-source software only. I've been trying on and off for years to figure out how to get a Linux install that does everything I need so I can stop buying upgrades to every (Windows) audio app I own every year. It's really

"de boners..." ?? Eeek!

Wow, Ms. Bullock really took a career hit this year...

I assume you can add as many urls as you'd want to access to the .pac file, correct?

@Jon Nettleton: I couldn't get Flash to work within it, and have since uninstalled. I like the stock browser, personally.

@Smoke.x365: Whoa...once moved how much remains in system RAM?

Yes! All your designated parking-spots are berong to us now!!!

Okami should be on that was so good.

No 3g? FAIL.

I've been using Freemake ever since I read about it here on LH. It works great and is free!

Pretty good idea. I'm gonna try it tonight. Thanks!

My wife is also gorgeous and South Korean. I have no idea how I got her, but I did... :)

I still want some zombie-lovin' for GTA...c'mon guys!

Grrrr! I just bought all the DLC not long ago as well. Piss me off! This creates an automatic 'fa-Q' boycott of BioWare games for 1 or 2 years for me. Good strategy, guys.