Robert Cowie

I still love L4D 1 & 2, but...should I buy DR2 when I wasn't a huge fan of DR1? It looks fun (except for that horrid multiplayer WWE wrestling match crap) and I wasn't a big fan of the 'reporter' aspect or the fighting mechanics of the 1st one. Is #2 any better?

@Worf: I was just thinking that as well. Let's hope the US Netflix library comes along for the ride.

"I hate sacrifices."/Francis

@klyph: It's a possibility for sure, but as you say, not a likely one. I also just let 6 gal. of a Scotch Ale sit for over 2 months...ok, in the secondary but still...and it tasted great. It's going to be between 14-17% by volume, though. Eeek! 6 gal. of it is conditioning in the Grolsch bottles as I type this. Yum

@Edgy: Oh man...yep, exactly what I would suspect would happen since a proper fermentation can last several days. My brewing buddy wants to try this and I sent him on his merry way...alone.

QR code doesn't work here.

Come on, Netflix! Bring the good shit to Canada too... PLEASE!

...or you could just root the phone, flash to Cyanogen Mod, turn on the setting that mutes the ringer when you turn the phone over, and be happy. ;)

My LGE front-loading HE washer/dryer combo unit spins my washed clothes at up to 1,200rpms after the wash cycle, and I rarely use the full wash & dry cycle because the clothes are almost dry when they're done washing after that kind of crazy spin. This should work perfectly! mwahahaha*cough-choke*ahahaha! erm...thanks!

...another great reason all the trees should die!

@OfficerJesus: It's so true...I bought DH, Ashpalt5 and Sandstorm for my Android, and like them...but the ports are definitely lacking compared to the iphone/ipad counterparts.


I stopped following the guy after about a week of reading his arrogant drivel. It made me not like him or listen to his music anymore, but yeah, as a guitarist myself I respect his talent for sure. He just lost me as a fan, so no big deal, right? ;p

NS-10's are used to judge what sound mixes could sound like on a crap system. They're quite flat, and sound terrible. I wouldn't rely on only these for any mix...EVER.

@eshotwell: P.I. has an Android app?!?!? I used that all the time on WinMo and loved it! Thanks! :)

@Kafata: It's a simple table with a computer on top in a kitchen. wow.

I just flashed Motofrenzy on my Milestone and Flash works great over HSPA/3G/WiFi. The ROM isn't as fast as the last one I was using (Telus Fast 'n Lite 4.1), but I don't think I wanna give it up. It enhances just about every site I use... Well, maybe that's the wrong word, but it's definitely not as much of a