How is this a hack?
How is this a hack?
Looks cool, but until Google themselves, or Google allows somebody else to actually make some Android apps that work properly with their own web apps, I'm still not entirely sold on the whole 'Android thing'. gTasks, Gtasks, Astrid, Taskos, or any of the others don't work the way users really need them to, and I still…
"Duke Nukem (Took Fucking) Forever (To Be Released, And Nobody Really Knows Why We cared To Begin With)" Yeah!
@macserv: Wow...what the hell did that mean? Because he has kids he can just ignore the rules of the game whenever he feels like it? LOL I don't think so...and neither did Zuckerberg.
LMFAO! Steve's such a dink...
@AreWeThereYeti: Agreed.
@kschang: /facepalm I never look in there since I just use Vlingo to navigate everywhere and never bother to change the settings. Thnx
@IN THE FACE!: I agree aCar is just great! Freeware, but send the guy a donation's really nice software.
@Jeb_Hoge: Actually, I should have clarified what my Google apps comment was really about since it was more of a general statement than specifically about Google Navigation. I actually love that software.
@zenpoet: ...not that there's anything 'wrong' with that, but I still wanna punch him in the face for that terrible costume & posture. ;)
All great apps for sure, but the one thing that really pisses me off about my Android experience so far is the fact that Google doesn't seem to have good apps for it's own services. Drives me insane...
@Archaotic: Have you even tried this game? It is very good, actually.
I play the 1st one all the time still. In fact it's the game my wife and I actually play together AND have fun together with. Any married person knows how important this phenomenon can be to a husband who games i,e,: letting her win = ;). I can't wait for this one to hit! :)
LMFAO! I logged into my Wave yesterday just to see if it was still there... Well, it was, and it was still useless. Good riddance!
Nice. I like.
I literally saw this exact setup in IKEA this afternoon. Not sure how much of a 'hack' it is when you can buy the setup exactly like it's shown here...
@Xi80r6: Yeah...crazy. I bet tasker can do fact...bbl!
OMFG do NOT normalize your entire collection. That is a large portion of what is wrong with the music and film industry today.
Ok, so I finally bought a PS3 a few months ago, and so far I love the exclusive titles it offers. What I completely don't like is that most of the games are 720p max res., but whatever. I have a 360 and I play Forza 3 a lot with the 360-wheel. It's tons of fun, so I haven't bought GT5 Prologue yet...
Works well here on my Milestone, and beats going into settings every time. Thanks! :)