Robert Cowie

@Schalliol: I've gone back and forth using wall units, then getting rid of it all for a more minimal setup, but in the end the more storage space the better. Because of that fact, and the fact that I have so much AV/gaming/PC/gadget crap, I find myself wanting this type of setup again, even though I still like the

@Schalliol: I've gone back and forth using wall units, then getting rid of it all for a more minimal setup, but in the end the more storage space the better. Because of that fact, and the fact that I have so much AV/gaming/PC/gadget crap, I find myself wanting this type of setup again, even though I still like the

Just change the stupid flags to vuvuzelas and be done with it. ;p

@Robert Cowie: Sorry, "JTag'd boxes that can't stay on XBL..."

This really doesn't affect anyone with a valid XBL account who is actually going to buy the game. In fact, it doesn't affect Microsoft or Bungie at all either, since the release that's circulating only works on JTag'd boxes that can't get on XBL anyway, and are used by people who were never going to buy the game in

@digikrynary: One of the units is $140-ish Canadian dollars. This guy used two, but only cut into the left one. I just checked one out at IKEA 10mins ago.

Yay! They added it as a featured article! :)

Giz of LH should do a story on Les's Off The Grid spots. VERY cool too.

Why TF is my ex-wife spending her alimony on fancy webcams, 'n sh*t!?!?

I really tried to like it tonight once I finally got the download working, and the app installed. Bottom-line is yeah it's a beta, but it just doesn't work well yet. Uninstalling and (for now) just gonna stick with MSN Talk, Go!Chat (for facebook) and Google Talk (which I couldn't get working at all in this beta of

@Robert Cowie: Nevermind...Skyfire had a brain-fart, and the now works here. /facepalm

QR code brings up a direct url to the .apk, but nothing downloads, and the direct link in the article brings you to the trillian web page that tells you to load the same webpage you're already on...which obviously won't work any better than it already has. Any suggestions on how to get this?

My buddy Stu wrote the music for COW. Good job Stu! :)

Ok, as a D1 & 2 fanatic myself...this is all very interesting...but what about multiplayer?? I need to see how that's gonna play out because it will pretty much define my next few years, my marriage, my career, my children, my health, etc etc etc ;)

@Dr_Facepunch: Well, Wonder Woman did smash some baddies with a car she picked up and held over her head for a while, uh....yeah.

@aec007: Looking forwardf to seeing that article. Thanks for sharing. Oh btw, you really pissed my wife off with this new project I wanna build now. ;)

@aec007: Looking forwardf to seeing that article. Thanks for sharing. Oh btw, you really pissed my wife off with this new project I wanna build now. ;)

@awh: Holy shazbot! I pay for 15/2 and usually only get 12/1 here in Vancouver. :(

"...but since it was Atlanta, I didn't think too much of it."