Robert Cowie

@Schalliol: Only problem with a huge wall unit setup like that is when you need to change wiring, or add components, because OMFG you will want to kill somebody after about 5 minutes of trying NOT to move the entire thing out from the wall to gain better access... Your setup is nice though. :)

@Schalliol: Only problem with a huge wall unit setup like that is when you need to change wiring, or add components, because OMFG you will want to kill somebody after about 5 minutes of trying NOT to move the entire thing out from the wall to gain better access... Your setup is nice though. :)

@aec007: Ok, that's freakin' AWESOME! Why did you never submit this as a LH featured article??

@aec007: Ok, that's freakin' AWESOME! Why did you never submit this as a LH featured article??

@thedeadparrot: I was thinking about adding casters to my LACK unit too, but the weight of my plasma and A/V equipment, along with the fact that the legs are mostly hollow and made of particleboard scared me off of doing that. Have you had any issues with yours?

@thedeadparrot: I was thinking about adding casters to my LACK unit too, but the weight of my plasma and A/V equipment, along with the fact that the legs are mostly hollow and made of particleboard scared me off of doing that. Have you had any issues with yours?

@yokocar: The front and back of the unit are completely open, and most commercial a/v equipment still has lots of room in these units to breathe. The only problem is there's not enough room in them for a decent HTPC case...

@yokocar: The front and back of the unit are completely open, and most commercial a/v equipment still has lots of room in these units to breathe. The only problem is there's not enough room in them for a decent HTPC case...

+1 vote for

Somebody please just end him irl already....jebus. I'll never get that time back. Grrr.

@jarch3r001: Maybe Tasker can automate this process. I'll try getting that working this evening and post what I could figure out.

Love it. Thanks!

@The SmacK: Nice! I'd love the USB sharing since I'm too cheap to buy a NAS box, but have a nice USB dock I could throw on there. Thanks. :)

@AbeVigodasSon: LMFAO! Oh man, I thought the exact same thing...but I quickly returned to rolling around in my glass room filled with soft $1,000 bills. Ahhhhh ;)

Wow...8mb FTMFL

@The SmacK: What router you got? I'm still rockin' the WRT54GS with the firmware mentioned above. No Wifi-N devices, so not much need...unless upgrading would really help in this area.

@The SmacK: I'm using DDWRT atm, but maybe I didn't configure it properly. The problem isn't when the video is actually's loading my library (a lot larger than yours, it seems). Thanks though because I should definitely check my settings again. I appreciate it. Cheers! :)

@EchoSix: I haven't played that one yet. Thanks.

@The SmacK: ...not with huge libraries. It's still really slow for me on the new Xbox 360 250gb being fed by a new PC running Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Everything is wired and within 10' of each other, also.

@nczuma: Thanks! I got it working just fine on Sunday afternoon after I finally remembered what to search for here. Cheers! Oh, and you're right about some info being slightly wrong, but if users know anything about this type of stuff it shouldn't be hard to figure out what to change to get it working right. :)