Robert Cowie

They should do away with the story-mode altogether and focus on perfecting gameplay. Ace Combat stories have always sucked, and it was REALLY difficult to get through the cutscenes in v6 to get to any content that made you feel 1/2 ok with the money you spent on it to begin with. Am I the only one who can't stand bad,

This is ridiculous. No sofa, but she does everything on her coffee table. What, does she sit on the coffee table too?!? C'mon...

@Gunstarlegends: I think his best defense against Billy is to just let him rot in infamy.

@nczuma: hey man...I can't seem to find that post. Care to link it again, please? tyvm

...all things you can do with a stock Android phone. Just sayin'...

@agroom: Great idea! I do that every day...ugh.

I highly doubt anybody here isn't already using the service, so I won't spam my referral link, but thanks for the tip! I love free shiznit. :)

WTF...why can't I comment on this article??

@Lazerbyte: " Fanboy plan and simple!" uh huh...

Why on Earth would anybody get married even once, let alone TWICE!?!? Oh wait, I did that...but not at the same time! ;)

So far it rocks...but even though you can now do everything directly from inside the app itself, some functions still point to the website and it forces the browser to open. Once the dev fixes that it'll be the best!

Why on Earth would anybody get married even once, let alone TWICE...oh wait, I did that...but not at the same time! ;)

@Robert Cowie: oops...meant to finish with "/Milestone owner in Canada"


@FartSponge: You gotta give it to Charlie, though. The man's an evil genius! Highest paid TV actor as well....not terrible.

@P-Z3r0: That one's totally worth full-price imho.

@SKiTz: 100% agreed. The carriers should make quality apps and have to deliver them on the market like any other dev has to. I hope you get 2.2 soon. :)