Robert Cowie

I haven't bought the house yet because I've just spent all my money of mats to upgrade talents. I'm only level 20 so far, so I'm sure it'll get easier as I go...but getting 30% of the value of an item when I sell it still doesn't seem right.

I absolutely LOVE the game as a whole, but the economy in Skyrim sucks. Why is it that I spend countless hours lugging all this gear around that I found randomly or in drops while completing quests because their values are shown to me at X, then go to sell them to a vendor and get substantially less than X?? Even with

bwahahaha! I choked on my coffee reading this, but mostly because I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Ugh...

It was more of a general comment about how to get rid these types of arguements within articles than an attack against you specifically, but I now see how my comment was real easy to be taken offensively and am sorry.

More importantly, how can you filter out users completely? Imagine how much more we'd all enjoy our Skyrim articles if we could do that! :)

My current setup is a bit like that, but a lot less busy. The one thing I absolutely hate about the way I have my space setup is that I actually feel like I'm in a confined space. There's no window, or rather no view of anything other than my gear and where the walls meet in the corner.

@mike_311: yeah, what a terrible idea.

I simply will stop consuming unneccessary products if this nonsense continues to invade the realm of my consumption which allows me to get away from it now. Good job, idiots.

Oh great...another reason to not use itunes since we didn't think having is utterly destroy directory structures when we entrusted it with our libraries was bad enough to begin with. pfft.

I'm sorry but are you guys completely clueless?? It was certainly Crytek themselves or a Crytek employee who leaked the game...not some random 'pirate'. How do you guys think the 'scene' gets any of this stuff to begin with? The devs mostly do it on purpose...or they pissed somebody off internally and didn't have

@shkm: 100% agreed.

WD Caviar Green HDDs are GREAT for simple storage in a USB dock or similar since that doesn't slow you down at all. Plus I saved $100 over the same sized 2TB WD Caviar Black, so I think I did pretty well.

My arm is gonna be HUGE exercising to that video everyday!

@Dragonfang18: Wow...same here. I was about to bite the next sale I saw.

@Warmo161: If you buy arcade games or DLC at all it's worthwhile. My PSN+ paid for itself within the 1st month with discounts, etc I got from my rampage of purchases. Good example is WipeoutHD which was free for me, but my buddy who has vanilla PSN paid $10-$14 I think. That's 1/3 the price of PSN+ in one title. I'm

@yeahman: Lately my friend, I would have to agree. ;)

@resu427: Not if the front wheels were closer together...maybe that's an option.

Yay! All your torrent bandwidth are berong to me!!!

@yeahman: Are you in my computer on my account and can see this invisible option? I still don't have the option as a Canadian Facebook user as of 30 seconds ago...