Robert Cowie

I love Netflix and this chart is great, but the CRTC just spanked all Canadians because of the data it shows with a ruling that allows the big bandwidth providers to charge whatever the F they want for overages on our already pitiful caps, so wtf do we do now? It's not like Canada is democratic and we have any way to

The https works ...until you click on anything because all the links point to unsecure pages.

This is my favorite game on the Wii.

Wow, I care so little for your writing after reading this piece. Here's a dirty picture. Please don't visit me.

@Neeraj Verma: Looks like your "documents" got caught in the crossfire!

The price of generic eggshell-white paint sufficient for apartment walls is pretty low, and the beer/pizza expense to feed your helpers is totally worthwhile to completely remove the stress of not damaging the walls in a rental. Just paint whatever you want. Your lease states you must leave the dwelling as you found

@purimcarnival: Extreme Call Blocker is the best app I have found. It costs a couple bux but is totally worth the $.

@wickedcupofjoe: Crazy Heart is a great movie if you haven't watched it yet.

@Vensaina: Well, I'll take Vancity over The Peg any day.

Gotta say I really hate rain. I need to get out of Vancouver...I can't stand it here.

Wolf #1: "This one looks yummy!"

Starcraft Ghost anyone?

I tried but couldn't get passed the foot pain. I promptly switched back, but then simply made a conscious decision to spend less time in front of the monitors and more time outside. So far so good...but I still spend more time at the PC than I really should.

I'm sorry for saying it, but this is completely retarded. Who in their right mind uses a MAC?? ;p

@Robert Cowie: Sorry, I should add that I setup Tasker to automate the kschang may be right.

@kschang: Uh...yes it does. I was actually wondering why this article even existed because of Dropbox.

@LeepNasty: Thanks for the LAWLS! "I hang out in both hardcore and casual gamer circles"

You forgot any phone NOT in the USA. I have a Milestone in Canada and they promised users we'd officially get Froyo in Q4 2010, but then as quickly as Q4 entered, a prompt excuse from Motorola about random BS exited and we're now waiting for Q1 2011. Oh wait a sec....*rollseyes*.

Get Ted Williams to do it!