
It’s a prototype so no title and you can’t register it.  Plus the last thing you want is to sell it to a rally nerd who then hoons it, get’s hurt and sues you.  Prototypes and concept cars are almost always sent to the crusher.

There are actually a lot un ungated crossings with nothing but a sign that account for most of them, but going around the gates was just asking for it.

Part of the problem is that it runs trains at high speeds through notoriously flat Florida where they cross 178 rail street-level crossings over 66.5 miles.

Part of the problem is that it runs trains at high speeds through notoriously flat Florida where they cross 178 rail street-level crossings over 66.5 miles.

Florida has basically turned itself into one big dawrin award competition. Building “high speed” rail with three hundred plus grade level crossings is just part of the game.

This is going to be the way of the world from now on. We’re going to have to take into account an automakers data security when deciding which make of car we want to purchase.

In car enthusiast circles, it’s a VERY common word.

laughs in subaru on snows

Their mistake was still having any Foundation Series left unsold when they began selling the normal series. Foundation Series was meant to be a limited run where you’re paying for the limited badge to show you were First. But once you could buy a normal one simultaneously, the badge has become meaningless.

I don’t understand. How could it not when you have a bunch of American cars that are too big to sell anywhere else in the world, and a bunch of European cars that are too small to sell in ‘Merica, and then you don’t bother to try to share crossover platforms until way too late and then produce sub-par cars for too

How the fuck did they not see this coming?

I don’t scan QR codes, ever, anymore. Even at a restaurant I’ll look up the menu on their website.  I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before some kind of malware is downloaded just for opening the QR code, so I’ve opted out of them completely.

He’s really going to be mad when he gets deported and has to live out his days in Winnipeg.

Why wouldn’t you?  Takes like a minute to make (or $1 to buy and fill out) and would increase your chances of selling.  Last vehicle I sold, I used both online ads and a physical for sale sign.

I think the mistake is the size of the parts the shipped around. I would expect the stuff to weight around a ton combined maybe a tad more. That extra 146 kg would raise eyebrows. Each part there looks to be pretty standard stuff and it looks like the gold parts were from the motor and the compressor. Wouldn’t take

Can we not pretend that the media isn’t part of the problem, for giving people like this attention and coverage? 

This country is literally built upon poor non-white immigrant labor that’s still doing all the “undesirable” physical labor jobs to keep prices low because white people don’t want to do back breaking for basically pennies.

Even worse, she used personal identifiable information to steal! (rewards card)

The woman added that Thompson sold the card sometime in June of 2024 – presumably after the fuel loop home was fixed on June 1 of the same year.

A 9/11 style takeover became impossible once they started locking the cockpit doors. That was the only real change they needed.