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    Interesting how they are keeping products from China from entering the market, yet you have politicians who are backed by big oil limited funds to help get ahead. Hell even basic support, here in Ohio, the state passed bills to stop EV chargers to be installed a rest stops. 

    Wait, did you just say a Honda K series is. ot reliable with a serious face?

    I've never heard of this event until now and I can say I'm definitely impressed. I am curious as to how the Rivian did so well and what mods were done 

    This was the part I couldn't get passed myself. What bureaucracy does FL have in place to monitor all car sales and compare them to the exact same vehicle? I worked at a dealership and it's not uncommon to sale a car under MSRP if it's sitting too long. Plus this is 100% anti free market and only screws the people who

    1st gear: how is anyone not surprised. America has been less about "Made in America" and way more interested in "Made a bunch of profits" 

    I second this

    Rookies, here in the US we hand out money like Starbursts at Halloween to secure business. 

    Sucks, because we all know that some people will suffer that has nothing to do with the invasion, not to say Mazepin does or does not. I would like to know how the FIA would go about such a ban because let’s be honest, every country has their hands dirty in some sense. Declaring war against another country is obvious,

    Very Click-baitish headline. The Feds are coming back for failed payment of OT, not the way he was paid

    Interesting. When I worked for a dealership they didn’t have any signed agreement for reservations until I got there and that was 10 years ago. Which I thought was strange. But I literally drew it up on Excel which include all the all the options the customer wanted, out the door price and my signature, the customers,

    A few points. 1) How are you going to tell the difference between a body guard and a large spectator who may or may not be a friend of a famous person. 2) To “call out” celebs for using the grid seems childish in the eyes of a sport where ad placement and money is extremely important. 3) Why the Hell does he think

    “push for Mexico to adopt American auto safety standards, advocate for better worker training programs and labor protection”