
“Go fast, break stuff” shouldn’t apply to the employees.

The wrap is $8 grand, but they throw the anti-Semitism in for free. 

Has he tried not being a cunt?

He’s a billionaire who bought an entire social network just so he could yell to a captive audience and force them to pay attention to him.

My father describes things as “a hoot”. He is 83. Anyone else, yes, definitely a shill.

This was obviously before [Gaetz] got married.” Obvious to who?

Counterpoint: Kids are very expensive and will frequently emit toxic gasses.

I don’t wanna say it’s space mold,

That’s all well and good until you marry the spider and it suddenly develops TMJ.


And how many times do they have to be told that nobody transitions in order to win at sports?

they need to spin AWS off and let amazon really compete.

Assange, Julian.

And every time they do, my response is, “why does the timing matter, you DID these things!” 

I can’t believe that a celebrity whose entire persona consists of being a sexual predator would do such a thing. I guess you never can tell.

Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

Bret Kavanaugh called, he wants his defense back.

Nice racket. They are tax exempt and get to shell out that money to get their political agenda passed. Do we ever need a limit on this crap, but will never happen. 

Also remember that Catholic dioceses are choosing to go bankrupt rather than pay out child sex abuse claims too.

This is almost the exact conversation my wife & I had last night about the ‘gigacasting’ thing. We are a blast at parties, I can assure you.