
Michael Richards was pretty instantaneous, but I’m struggling to think of an overnight collapse to the degree of what we’re seeing now with Lizzo. Even Ellen had been critiqued for years about different problematic things before the ceiling collapsed.

The funny is he is so petrified of direct confrontation......from Trump of all people.

Hugh Grant in the 90's maybe? I mean, he bounced back from it, but it was super fast fall.

Kramer was instant. I would say Lizzo’s is faster than Ellen’s because corroboration with Lizzo came so quickly. Until this article I was still on the fence, but it’s definitely starting to look like it’s true... though I still don’t know if it’s Lizzo directly for most of this or someone acting on her behalf (for

Perhaps not as dramatic, but Jonah Hill? Supposedly there were rumors about him and of course Jay Baruchel’s prescience but I think for the most part he had a solid reputation.

I like this game!!!

Rats in a sack. The quicker they kill each other off, the safer humanity will be.

Also (way back last year): ‘We should leave the final decisions on abortion to the states.’

Pence’s veneer of loyalty and honesty is as thin as his lips… 

More cancel culture from the GOP (Guns Over People) party

“I can say definitively that our community thrives only when we work together despite our differences.”

The only reason Gaetz is dunking on Reboot Ron is because he supports a criminal who is literally out on bail. There is no other reason. 

Inciting a right-wing mayo mob to go after election workers and then claiming “innocence” after trying to get them all killed.  Sounds like a classic GOP/Faux News move to me.

police union is the only one that actually makes things worse, fuck these guys.

So how long until the claims that the vaccine caused this and that Bronny is actually dead and whoever we see return to the public eye is actually a clone LeBron had made to cover up his son’s death?

What if - and try to follow me on this one - I need calculations to help someone specifically not get their spaceship to Mars?

Sounds about right. No idea what his security detail is like, but if they’re made up of large French, ex-military people, then seeing someone like Brittney Spears coming for their client yelling “SIR! SIR!” (I’ll be polite, crazy white woman) is going to get you dropped.

It’s wild that we are living in a world where people are actually rooting for Marc fucking Zuckerberg.

Of all people that should have a greater understanding of how security works, or high visibility situations can go, she should have waited.

I’m sorry, maybe Britney should stop approaching and touching famous people without warning and especially if they’re surrounded by bodybuards whose job is precisely to stop randos from touching/accosting/approaching the person they’re guarding?