
Well, it could be Amelia Earhardt’s plane, which only one ever existed, or it could be one of the 20,000+ allied or axis small bombers lost in the pacific in WWII.

Her statement indicates that she was fired/released. His statement indicates that she decided not to continue as co-host. Which means ONE of these is likely true:

Your dad sounds like a real hoot.

Funny, I see it the other way around. If he wrote the article that inspired the original movie, the sequel that re-uses many of those characters kinda has to give the write (or his estate) some compensation.

This is great... unequivocally awesome.

My wife and I went to look at cars once and the dealer asked for my keys to look at our old car as a possible trade in. We kinda sorta liked one car, but not really. The sales guy kept trying to talk us into that car and we just kept asking for our keys back so we could leave. He kept on with the “service manager is

Counter-argument: that movie sucked ass.

I like democracy, except when the populace doesn’t agree with my talking points.

Well, the plot was boring and predictable, the script was childish, and Jason Mamoa’s acting is as wooden as a popsicle stick..... but sure, let’s blame Heard for Aquaman flopping to the dirt like a cow turd. Now if we can just figure out how she ruined Batman vs. Superman and all the other shite DC movies that she

“I am a poor, oppressed millionaire. I eat anything, live anywhere, and say anything I want on national television. Working class people whom I don’t know send me money for my legal bills. I am a poor victim in this cruel world.

Florida Man provokes his pet tarantula into biting him in his genital area.

Amazon has been violating anti-trust laws openly for years. I am surprised that it has taken this long to charge them.

Transitioning, hormones/hormone suppressors, and mental health are all serious and very personal medical issues. That is why those are the kinds of decisions that should be made with the best medical and psychological care available. It is called “best medical practice for a reason. So, unless we are going to debate

I don’t understand why people don’t trust the police and are calling for police reform and better oversight!

Yet another instance of Trump and his genius brain hiring only the best people.

There is no basis to these accusations, they are only being made to silence me because my independent and truthful voice is upsetting the establishment.”

In Rudy’s defense, when he was at the White House giving legal advice, he was also drunk.... so he was totally wasted when he groped her.

By your logic Exxon-Mobil is declaring war on Russia by selling fuel for Ukranian tanks, and also the US government has also declared war —much more directly— by giving Ukraine ammunition. Oh, and Russia declared war on us when they supported the Syrian genocide which targeted US armed forces in the middle east.

I bought a Toyota Tacoma cheapo version in about 2002. I think I paid $12,000 new off the lot. I overloaded it and abused it in every way possible. The truck never failed to start and had about a zillion miles on it when sold. Why did I sell it? The bench seat in that truck could only be described as purgatorial. The

about 14,000 guns are stolen in Georgia every year