
Thank you for saying what needed to be said.

HAH!! You don’t know what old is son. I remember the first moon landing. It was the year my family moved to Florida. My first time viewing a rocket launch up close enough to feel it. And I remember my dad complaining about having to pay 33 cents a gallon to put gas in his 30 foot long land yacht of a Cadillac Sedan

I submit this picture for “Meh Car Monday” nomination.

I didn’t miss it, I ignored it for the greater good.

Exactly. ICE are too complex an assemblage of valves, con-rods, &c. to make them plug and play. We DO have standards for ICE, but they are meta-standards. For instance, almost all family sedans/minivans/SUVs come with either an I4 or a V6, those are the standards, and they can be swapped around, but not easily. An ICE

Jason’s computer analogy still holds to your point though. In computers, there’s always bottlenecks. Improve the processor, maybe the motherboard presents issues. Improve the motherboard, then the RAM is the issue. Improve the RAM, then its the graphics card that can’t keep up. Then the whole thing repeats again with

I know why: because different types of combustion engines were appreciably different, and those differences were able to be marketed and sold to various customer bases. Electric motors are essentially all the same; there’s no real difference in sound, response, behavior, etc. They just spin a shaft. That means the

Hitch-hike? Or are you afraid you will end up in a hole, in someone’s basement? “It puts the lapping compound on the valves or it gets the hose!!!”

From down south around Portland and I thought the prevailing wisdom in the PNW is that umbrellas are only for pussies and Californians.  

Of course, Mr. Clinton.

I’m going to make it real, real simple, and quote a T-800: fuck you, asshole.

Every day I’m hustling. Every. Single. Day.

Yeah he should just make videos for free and starve. Fuck him!

70% of dealerships are not shady

Yeah, fair point, but at some point we have to stop dancing around people that believe in this nonsense, set policy based off this nonsense, and start wars based off this nonsense. He chose well with the Ark because that is arguably the most ridiculous of all religious fairy tales.

You’ve been all over the comments defending the airline and the industry. Your motivation is pretty obvious. Shit I hold nothing against you making your money. Just try to leave the assumptions about someone’s emotional state out of your bullshit PR

All I take from this comment is that if I ever have to share a flight with you I will absolutely storm the cockpit and fly that plane directly into the fucking ground.

Me too but motorized vehicles have always won out in the “hobby that injures me” category. Although, since selling my racing quad, not nearly as much injuring.

Not really. I was considering buying United stock on the dip, but then I figured they can fuck themselves. However enough other people recognized it’d blow over and United is one of a small oligopoly so they’re not going anywhere and the stock has come back up most of the way. The market isn’t going to fix this issue.

Fuck yourself to death.