
Careful. You’re libel to make them angry at you.

Yep, I’m actively not buying Diablo 2 as a result of all of this, and I won’t be buying another Blizzard product going forward. Which sucks, because I was really jonesing for Diablo 2 and Diablo 4, and even recently had the itch to dip back in on WoW again. But there’s enough good games out there from less-shitty

My dude, are you seriously gonna sit here and talk about the left wing echo chamber when we’ve slid headlong back into a deadly pandemic because 40% of this country has been propagandized into believing that vaccines are a plot by Bill Gates to install 5G microchips in us to track us or mind control us or whatever?

Regardless of whose shitty words are coming out of whose mouth, it definitely does seem odd to me that a game that has gotten an enormously positive critical reception has garnered a total of 3 negative articles and no review from Kotaku in the days surrounding its release. Seems kind of petty. Like, review the thing

Sorry for using complete sentences and reasoned arguments to respond to a review I had an issue with. Tell you what, as soon as they implement Twitch chat emotes here, I’ll just respond with a sadge emote. Don’t want to be coming off like one of them high and mighty “intellectuals,” ya know? 

Which makes it all the weirder to spend so many words criticizing the devs for not reinventing the wheel. You sound like a dick. If that was your intent, mission accomplished. If your intent was to raise a legitimate counterpoint, then you failed.

That’s a good way to say it — part homage and part satire. I definitely think they have respect for the “source” material, if you will, so it’s not straight satire. And at least to me, it was pretty plainly apparent that they were self-aware about how pulp-y Wake is as a writer, and just wanted to bask in it. 

I mean, not every game made by three people is going to be Hollow Knight. Most of the time, three-person teams have a limit to the scope of what they can do. I don’t know what to tell you. There’s jank and clunkiness in the game, sure, but by and large, what they put together is pretty good for what it is. Your first

Very cool. I wish there wasn’t so much z fighting going on between all of the blocks in the circle, but it’s not super noticeable with sand at least. 

I always took the writing to be a satire of Stephen King and the cliches he employs in his book. It revels in its tropey-ness. At the risk of sounding like *that guy*, I think anyone who plays this game and finds the cliches to be a detractor just doesn’t “get it.” Kind of like you said — it’s not really meant to be

I’ll echo everyone else and say you definitely need to get Control played ASAP. It was under-received, but I legit think it’s one of the best games to hit the market in the past several years. Right up there with Sekiro as my GOTY in 2019.

An update: Since it appears MS has revised/re-released the controller since the new consoles hit the market, I decided to try again:

An update: Since it appears MS has revised/re-released the controller since the new consoles hit the market, I

Luke, you as an Australian know more about American news than I as an American know about Australian news, so I salute you regardless. 

The heck is a Loud House, and why is it on here instead of Ickis and Krumm, or anyone from Rocko’s Modern Life?

I could see a trio-fighter a la the pokemon trainer in smash where you can switch between Rocko, Heffer, and Filburt — Rocko for quick little pokey attacks, Heffer for the big power attacks, and Filburt for a more defensive playstyle. That’d be fun.

I didn’t play the first two Witchers at release, but didn’t find them to be especially janky when I did play them — clunky maybe, but not janky. Never actually beat the third Witcher, but what I played seemed pretty polished. Can’t argue about working conditions though, but again, that feeds into what you said. More

No. Everything CDPR does has to be bad. They released that one game that wasn’t as good as everyone wanted, so everything they do is bad, and it’s our god-given duty to dunk on them until the end of time. Get with the program here.

As a Skyrim mod maker and grumpy old man, having meme mods like this gain more traction immediately than the mod that I’ve put thousands of hours into over the course of several years makes me a little bitter. I sort of wish the community didn’t flock so enthusiastically to such low hanging fruit, but at the same

Re: Co-op — I don’t hold much hope, but any word on how controllable it is? Like, if I want to play with my friend, do I have to lay down a soapstone signin an obscure corner and just cross my fingers?

1) Dear Esther, Inside, Gris, Little Nightmares, and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture are among the most unique, memorable gaming experiences I’ve had, and none of them crest 4 hours or have a whole lot of replay value.