Robb Nunya

In-n-out burgers are tops.  But holy shit do their fries suck.  And no amount of toppings or secrets will improve them to edible.

Portillos is one of my favorite spots, except with the drive through you need to eat the italian beef’s IMMEDIATELY. Or instant soggy bread, which I am not a fan of. Combo dog, best thing on the menu.

Repurposing old hardware also has its own value, even if it’s just sealing a bunch of them in acrylic. You can’t preserve everything that ever gets made, and you shouldn’t want to, either. The Game Boy itself is well preserved as a platform and there’s no shortage of different ways you can still experience it.

“After getting a call from an angry studio executive who was shouting at me about the global box office, I have determined that my previous statement was unacceptable.”

Imagine how many people only get their news from Facebook or Twitter without bothering to look anything up on their own to verify the information. Now imagine that was all state controlled.

I feel like I can still enjoy those movies, especially the character, while still recognizing/getting past how problematic the accent and brown face are. It feels like Fisher Stevens did everything he could to be authentic (to the point it fooled Aziz Ansari and countless other Indians) and not make a joke out of

Kinda wrote that out of anger after reading something else yesterday. Never post while angry.

Criminal mischief maybe. The rest is bull.

TBF every publicly known BLM mural vandal has gotten charges.

You think it’s sad to ask “Who is it hurting”?  Shouldn’t that be the litmus test for deciding if something is or isn’t hurting someone?  It’s kind of sad when people think whether something is hurting someone or not is irrelevant.

Let me speak to two things here. First, this is not theft, it’s copyright infringement. Second, until half a century ago copyright only lasted for 30 years. Meaning that if it wasn’t for Disney, we would all have copies of Super Mario Bros on our computers because that game would now be in the public domain! What

The people who hid and sent away prints of Murnau’s “Nosferatu” also were

On one hand, I appreciate that. Content creators should be compensated when possible. The various “classic” consoles prove we’ll happily open our wallets when a convenient, well-executed means is available. Even when we choose to pirate, the various RetroPie rigs prove we have no issue spending money to have our

A strong liberal politician who scared Republicans was taken out took himself out

As a native of Austin, I can’t escape recent transplants.

As someone who deals with an eating disorder and disordered eating, unless you’re a fucking doctor, saying shit like this does more harm than good.

They gave me diabetes.

Because you’re on Jalopnik and they’ve decided unions are great and uber is bad. There is nothing that will sway this opinion. Accept and move on.

I completely disagree with you, the majority of their drivers do it on the side, and have never driven a cab.

When people go off on how great In n Out burger is I just lean back and smile knowingly, for I have been to WhatABurger.

When people go off on how great In n Out burger is I just lean back and smile knowingly, for I have been to