Robb Nunya

I approve of the Kensington Turbomouse over there on the far right.

He’s taking after the Clintons?

Not true in Texas. Trust me, Been there, done that.

Yeah, because the Big 2 parties are doing SUCH a great job. amirite?

You know, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NY Times, LA Times... Trolls.

You sir or ma’am, have no grasp on reality. Get off the crack.

“Some of my best friends are libertarians”
“Some of my best friends are black”

Mmmm hmmm

And Democrat means “I want to steal your stuff and put you in a cage if you disagree” and Republican means “No gays or brown people.”

See? I can play too!

How many lionfish have you slaughterted?

After you. Knock yourself out.

There are more than a few models of Glock and All of the Springfield XDs work quite well under water. That being said, you get severely limited accuracy and range. (For example, Police Forensics departments fire pistols into big tanks of water to test for rifling grooves)

I walked in to the MSP Microcenter when I was up there on a job, and walked out with one.

You really don’t understand anarchy, do you?

Bidets are awesome, and I wish they’d gain acceptance in the US.

Bidets are awesome, and I wish they’d gain acceptance in the US.

I have to chime in on this and support Cottonelle as the best of the best.

I have to chime in on this and support Cottonelle as the best of the best.

As opposed to all of the miserable liberal pieces of dogshit who also live to a long age?

About what you’d expect from the leftists. They have about as much class as a Bill Maher monologue about Sarah Palin. (Want to have some fun? Start asking feminists why it’s OK for Maher to call Palin the C word and why it’s OK to mock her downs syndrome son. You’ll see some true stripes then!)

Perfect example: The 2nd Amendment and the word regulated. Modern parlance suggests government oversight or control, while the original usage meant regularized, or in proper working order.

If the content providers people want aren’t on Youtube, they’ll go wherever those content providers land. Youtube is nothing more than a medium for most. If I know that Happy Tree Friends ends up on Vimeo or wherever else, that’s where I’ll go. If not, then a Google search (heh) will point me to it. Either way, I’ll

So telling someone who makes a living off of those videos that they cannot make a living any more because they aren’t saying things that the web page owner wants them to isn’t censorship in WHICH universe? (Hint: It ain’t this one)