Robb Nunya

Yes it still is.

Hmm... let’s see who has a comprehension problem...

You: “You seem to be taking for granted that this is censorship when there is lots of room for disagreement on that - not the least of which is that the videos were not removed at all, only demonetized.”

Me: “Of course it’s censorship.” (Long definition snipped)


I couldn’t care less about scare quotes or whatever. The statement that you made defined censorship in a piss-poor manner, and that’s why I responded. You can make any point you want about scare quotes, and I essentially have no opinion.

Yes. Like every job ever. Your employer has the right to censor your speech, at the very least, while you’re on the job. If you don’t follow their censorship, they can fire you. And they probably should fire you because you’re tarnishing their brand if you go off the reservation.

I had a reply brewing, but Monkey D Luffy down below said it well.

They’re prohibiting people from using their website to its fullest. That means that some of those people are going to lose their livelihoods. If you don’t call that censorship, I don’t know what you call it.

Note: I’ve said it many times on this page:

Do that and enter it into the State Fair of Texas.

Welcome to the new Youtube! All cat videos all the time!

Yeah, but when viewership goes down, those same ad companies will dry up and float away.

Nice shot at dehumanizing them bub. They’re people, not ‘people’.

No it is not. Anyone in a position of power can practice censorship. If I own a website, I can censor your posts on that website. Period. You have no right to post anything on my website, and are there on my sufferance. Me deleting your post would be me censoring you.

Of course it’s censorship. The very definition of the word is the act of censoring. The definition of the word censoring is defined as follows:

It is censorship.

But it’s not government censorship. It’s a company setting their rules that people have to follow if they want to use that company’s property. That’s Google’s prerogative. I’m assuming there’s going to be a pretty big uptick at Vimeo in the next few weeks as many of these very popular vloggers move

So that somehow negates the lives saved in the three examples I gave you?


I don’t care how much you like guns or shooting. You don’t seem to get that multiple people with guns are still a shit-ton better than one bad actor with a gun walking around a campus shooting at anything he or she wants to shoot while

Your loss. It’s a very nice place. I’m certain that your location pales by comparison. But hey! You’re welcome to your provincial attitude.

Straw man, huh? (Do you understand what a Straw Man Argument is, or do I need to explain that to you?)

Have you ever even been to Texas? Or are you just spinning your head 360 degrees because you’re an empty talking point bot?

Straw man. Are you really this empty of intellect?

...except that a few people have already stopped mass shooters in situations exactly like the one you’ve described.

Someone at the scene can be very effective at stopping a lone shooter.

I’ll see your tiny logitech trackball and raise it by a Kensington Expertmouse.

Two words: Scroll Wheel. Seriously... it rocks for gaming.

I’ll see your tiny logitech trackball and raise it by a Kensington Expertmouse.

Two words: Scroll Wheel.

You do realize that making a campus “gun-free” results in things like the Virginia Tech massacre, don’t you?

Maybe you should get out and live life a little instead of bashing other peoples’ desire for freedom and security.

Oh, and people just like you (you know, prejudiced people who look down on people with