Robb Nunya

A ladyfriend of mine had a series of bad relationships and decided to break with tradition and go for a guy who wasn’t quite as good looking.

She ended up married to an abusive asshole who was hooked on cocaine, but was able to keep it under wraps for almost a year. He was initially verbally abusive, then finally

I have one of these and it’s pretty reliable and accurate. It works well on my Nexus 6.

I have one of these and it’s pretty reliable and accurate. It works well on my Nexus 6.

The chain mail pan cleaner is the shiz-nit.

The chain mail pan cleaner is the shiz-nit.

Puh Leeze...

Hillary’s an Orc. Maybe an Uruk Hai if we’re being kind.

Bonus round:

No worries, I always think the same thing. Fortunately, tribbles seem to be immune. Good thing to as quatro-triticale has 4X the gluten in it!

Want a cookie?

Not true. If you don’t have celiac’s, you could still have a host of other auto-immune disorders that also fall into the gluten-free camp.

I like this acronym. It’s easy to remember. A lot of packaging still doesn’t have allergen information, so it can be a pain going through the grains in my head all the time.

I find it worse to see people like you on here posting ignorant claptrap.

My wife isn’t a celiac. She’s been diagnosed as having Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is also linked to gluten intake.

But hey! Sorry that you have to see an article that’s so hard for you to simply skip over! I mean, the people who can find

In fact, most soy sauces contain gluten. You really have to look for gluten free soy sauce. Mostly it’s Tamari. Traditional soy sauce contains wheat.

A waiter won’t necessarily know what celiac’s disease is. They damn sure won’t know what Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is(That’s what my wife has). They’re a waiter, not a doctor. I tend to explain in the simplest terms to them. They know what allergies are. They also know that if you have an allergy, it’s serious enough

My wife would tend to disagree. Her doctor would as well. But hey, thanks for your wonderful medical diagnosis. Where did you get your MD again?

Or you could blame the people who don’t take a claim of an allergy seriously... you know... the people who might actually do harm. Your “guy you heard about” (Was he in Canada? We wouldn’t know him?) isn’t hurting anyone. But if you don’t take someone else’s claim seriously, then you might do them serious damage.


3.2 million, I believe. 320 * .01 is 3.2. Still a crap load though.

You laugh at it until you see that most beef jerky has soy sauce in it, so that you have to keep a close eye on it if you have gluten issues. My wife loves beef jerky, and has been really happy that some of the manufacturers are now making stuff she can actually eat.

This douche probably doesn’t have 10 friends, let alone 100. Who would want to hang out with him?


You do that to my wife and she’ll feel like shit tomorrow. You do that to her uncle and he’ll be doubled over in intense pain for the night.

Go screw yourself. 1% of the population is over 3 million people you know.

My wife has a condition called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. She’s not a celiac. But she DOES have a negative reaction to gluten. She’s been gluten free for about 3 years now, and believe me, for over 1% of the US’ population, it’s not a fad. If she gets something that has gluten in it, she gets what she describes as a

Never forget: Most Soy Sauce has wheat in it. It’s one of the sneakier ones.

Two of my best friends ended up in divorces for this exact reason. They both felt like they were unwanted and unattractive, and eventually left their respective wives because the intimacy completely died. In one case, it’s because he married a woman almost 20 years older than he was. In the other, I honestly think she