Robb Nunya

Yes. Simple. Streamlined. That doesn’t necessarily mean simple as in “plug in a cartridge.” It means simple as in “get the game, play the game, don’t sit there waiting for a buggy process because of lazy programmers.”

Fire Stick is online, but I don’t game with it. I consume online content. If I’m playing a single

Believe it or not, once you get over the learning curve, this thing is great for gaming. The scroll wheel is awesome (note: Doesn’t click. I’ve mapped the top right button to do that.) and the fact that you can easily return to center is really nice in FPS games.

I also have this to the left of my Thermaltake keyboard

I’m on the same mobo/proc that I bought almost 4 years ago. I’ve upgraded the hard drives and the video card (twice for the Vidcard) and doubled the RAM to 8GB. I still have no problem playing the most modern games. One of the Vidcard replacements was due to the card crapping out by the way. You don’t have to be

It’s the fumble factor for me. I have a G3 and a Nexus 6 (home and work) plus a windows tablet and the USB keyboard. They’re split 50/50, and I’d just like to be able to stick the charger into the device, and not have to dink around with it.

How does anything I’ve said mean that games shouldn’t be big?

Reading comprehension please. I said they shouldn’t be stupidly designed.

And I’m seeing all sorts of people saying they let high-profile games (Like GTA V for example) install overnight, and that they came back in the morning to see it sitting at 63%. Or

I spell my name like that because Robert Lynn Asprin gave me that nickname after I hung out with him for a few hours at a con. (Nice guy, sad that he’s dead.)

Who’s mad? I’m just letting you know that you’re a piece of shit. I’m sure you’re the type of 12 year old that let the feminists gain traction during gamergate.

Agreed. But in all honesty, I’d love to see lightning connectors for everything vs micro USB... Or USB C hitting hard because... screw one-way plugins in the dark! :D

No kids yet, and the wife is happy to play Kingdom Hearts on the PS2 (The only reason I still have it in the TV stand) and the occasional Street Fighter on the XB360, so I almost have 100% say in my gaming choices. Just bought a replacement Wii because it was cheaper than replacing the defective DVD in my old one, and

I started with the Intellivision, but skipped the N64/Sega Saturn generation, and am skipping this one as well. I might pick up a Wii U when they get cheap, but I’m not really in any hurry to do so.

Seriously? You’re insulting someone’s children? You’re a piece of shit.

People with Apple phones don’t necessarily have any micro USB cables laying around.

Consoles should be easy to set up. You shouldn’t have to wait half a day to download 15 updates because the game manufacturer rushed a shitty, unfinished game out. Plus, updates should be optional, or allowed to happen in the background. The way it is now is just piss-poor planning on the side of the programmers.

/snicker... console gamers thinking they’re “real” gamers... that’s a hoot!

umad bro? Has he had sex at least 2 times more than you have?

What’s an intellivision? And will it play Crysis? (Kidding. I had 2 intellivisions back in the day)

(apple user)

Don’t you have to keep a Gold account level to use Netflix on the 360?

Oh, and a $40 Fire TV stick will play both of those things just fine. AND you can game on it (I have retroarch on it and play SNES and NES games on it at times. It’s great)

I’m in a similar boat. I decided to just skip this generation of consoles. I have a Wii and an XBox 360, and mostly just play on my PC because it’s a superior experience due to the controllers. (I have an old PS One controller hooked to the PC via USB adaptor for the few platformers I play, but mostly it’s

The dedicated printer/USB hub thingees work pretty well.

The dedicated printer/USB hub thingees work pretty well.

Even today, when I’m at their house, they try to give me seconds, and look a little astounded when I decline. It’s not easy either. “Help us finish this off, Robb, so we don’t have to worry about leftovers.”

Or my dad will look at me... (He’s got late-onset Alzheimer’s) and he thinks I should eat more. Being Italian,