Considering that the US government’s strings have been pulled for so long by the same people who control the US media, I somehow doubt that’s ever going to happen.
Considering that the US government’s strings have been pulled for so long by the same people who control the US media, I somehow doubt that’s ever going to happen.
Except the little fact that Tor is owned and operated by the US government...
You’re looking for Jezebel. It’s down the hall.
We need to stop funding 3rd World countries. While I realise Colombia is hardly Africa, the principles are still the same. This is where we are:
Stop helping 3rd World countries. South America is not Africa, but the principle is still the same: If a country cannot sustain itself, then it needs to fall by the wayside, and that is that. This is the reality:
I agree. That said, a hopeful and fierce 9-yo is a good thing, because naiveté is normal among the young, but ignorant “adults” swallowing a narrative that isn’t really there should be flogged for stupidity.
Nice stereotyping, dink, and totally apropos user name, I’m guessing.
I was fully engaged, right up until the shot of Al Sharpton.
Suddenly, a challenger appears!
The Three Wolf Hoodie, of course. Not sure why this is a question
The Three Wolf Hoodie, of course. Not sure why this is a question
“I will never understand how one can take the life of another person so lightly.”
I’m only curious as to whether it’s okay to shoot some asshole(s) who won’t stop shouting at the screen while I’m trying to watch the fucking movie. Is that part okay? Because that needs to be okay. I realise that this will disproportionately affect the black community, but I still feel it is okay because it is…
In what alternate universe do you live that you think the player didn’t enjoy it?
Short answer: No-one outsmarts the Jews.
“southwest flight” You poor bastard. That’s even worse than Air Canada.
No good to me, mate.
No good to me, mate.
“... they’re even dumber than I thought.”
lol. nice job, and still chuckling.
White boys gotta step up they game.
“Clearly prefers doggy style.”