
And sometimes certain men just need to get their shit together.

The whole thing is obviously horrifying, but the article doesn’t say whether only the female employees were encouraged to microdose. While it does not change the overall shit (sorry, but I don’t have a more accurate or expressive adjective at this point, since the whole thing is still blowing my mind) environment

The best form of kipping, I feel, is the totally worthwhile pastime of having a nap. Also, somewhat related, a friend originally from East London related to me one day, “Y’ know why they call them kippers? It’s because when y’ open up the tin, they’re all in there lyin’ down, ‘avin’ a kip.” I always liked that fella.

It also looks like the Hong Kong beaches right now, mainly thanks to the primitive mainland fuckheads.

Yes. Welcome to the wonderful world of India.

Nice. This is a very nice take.

“You only have integrity if you agree with me!”

The only bulwark of protection against Ebola in humans has to be a vaccine, since West African cultural practices like having a good, prolonged snuggle-fest with dead people who have died of a horrifying contagious disease are clearly not going to go away. On the plus side, these cultural practices are pretty much

I agree. Celebrity cults are by definition way more awful. I mean, it’s one thing to give up sex, but to give up your mind and soul, and any ethics you may have once had, is infinitely more awful.

Well, yes, but that’s probably also the reason the feds don’t need to be bothered with keeping too many notes. A celibacy cult is literally a self-dying phenomenon, and as cults go, this one seems to be dying out quite nicely, and much less bloodily than cults like Jonestown or Heaven’s Gate. This sort of cult is way

To me, this wasn’t even an attack, just a reminder that people need to be taught (by force, if necessary, perhaps in some form of special team-building camp involving nothing but slices of hell other than the cupcake they get at the end) that clicking on a “Grandma’s Pies” link at work is always a VERY BAD IDEA.

lol. Excellent point. Still, no matter what employers or administrators do (and I am definitely not defending their idiocy in the first place for not upgrading), the problem will always be there until the human simpletons on the interface end stop clicking on that random new “Must-Try Butter Tart Recipe”. I’m starting

Or alternatively, maybe people could educate themselves about how the fucking internet works.

“It is too late to push back against them now”

I appreciate the joke, but the Chinese don’t have 30 years to pull off whatever deluded fantasy they have in mind. They’ll be out of water long before then, for example, and they will never attain food sustainability. I hope Russia’s keeping a tight eye on its southern border, because if ever a country actually needed

Now playing

This has got to be the greatest car commercial ever (it’s real), courtesy of Rhett and Link in their heyday. Their series of home-grown commercials is amazing. Sometimes I wonder how ol’ Rudy is making out these days. Godspeed, man.

My first thought before reading the article was, “Sweet Jesus, this has to be a Chinese design,” and then after reading the article, my thought was, “Sweet Jesus, is Alpine owned by the Chinese now?” Because that has Chinese “engineering” written all over it.

Christ. Don’t you have some self-flagellation to attend to? Because all human development must stop until we fix Africa, right?

Another of his life’s sad little vignettes: