

Cubs win the World Series

He is DEFINITELY the worst Baldwin brother.

None, but there’s a rumor that Barron’s autistic.

Hold my state-sold case of Yuengling and watch this.

He thought it was about Hamilton Nolan? No...that’s not it.

Trump said he’d make America great again. Clinton responded “America is already great,” which got her lots of cheers at a rally but if you’re struggling to make rent or feed your kids, you might take a flier on the nutjob who at least says he’ll fix shit over the out of touch condescending woman who’s telling you

I think they voted for “burn everything down,” which is a simpler way of saying they voted against the establishment.

I saw the headline, saw the picture, and I thought it was about that hairstyle. Because sweet jesus fuck.

People with an agenda also have a bunch of reasons to lie anonymously. It isn’t like he is checking to see if their .gov email is active. Having worked with the federal government for years, I can find people that speak like this all day long. I just can’t find people that act like this.

All I read was a lot of people letting emotion guide them to freak out based on personal and mass media induced speculation.

but do we really want our cars’ A.I.s to be as quick-thinking and batshit crazy as WRC drivers

Like these guys?

The only way for a woman to get to be a pilot in China’s military is to be sleeping with a male superior (or to have a powerful father/uncle/whatever). She may have well been an excellent pilot, but that would not have been enough to get to such a valued position in China’s military. Of course, China will play this as

Is... is this like... pre-emptive?

Easy there cowboy. You left your SJW unzipped.

So four out of 400 of these jets have crashed in the past four months? And this is glorious air power? Did they also copy the Japanese WWII kamikaze style of air combat? Might need to rethink something here.

Maybe next time you should nominate a woman who’s not under FBI investigation, just to be safe.

On a ship that is entirely made of.... Metal...