Full Boyle

What I didn't like about this episode was the fact that they were going around in a circle. I wanted a strong cliffhanger like last year but this just felt like a regular episode, aside from Gail killing herself. I did like the Tandy and Carol moments though.

My point was it's pretty weird how my opinions are polar opposite of what people think. I loved Mr Santiago, hated Skyfire Cycle, and loved Overmining but the ones I loved got Cs and the one I thought was bad got a perfect A.

CJ was interrupted…mid-soup.

Nice to see an action scene as well as an undercover stint in this episode considering the last three have been pretty much action-free.

Last week's episode sucked and was literally a mash-up of much better episodes and it got an A, this episode was awesome and it got a C?!

I totally forgot about her pregnancy lol. I agree, the writers have no clue what to do with her, the one shining moment she had was when she was with Mike and we found out just a bit more about here but that's it. All she has done this season is occasionally mention she's pregnant and hang out with Lewis, though that

What's more likely to happen in the fall finale

IDK, I just hope the plot actually goes somewhere and it's not just that the gang finds her and Carol apologizes.

If Gail is found by the group than that defeats the purpose of this subplot even existing.

The episode itself was solid, I really liked the Todd-Carol interactions and Tandy in the T-Rex suit killed it. What I didn't like was that as the review said, we just came back in a circle to where we were at the end of the last episode from 2 weeks ago. Really wish something could have happened. I was expecting the

Well it wouldn't really be much darker than what they have done before with Mike and Phil 2. And let's not forget the s3 premiere, when Pat pulled out the gun on everyone at the end, it stopped being a comedy and actually got pretty tense.

Old School had a well-crafted "meeting your hero" plot, easily a classic episode. The end result where we find out DC Parlov isn't who we think he is ends up kind of rushed.

I agree, I don't get the love for this one, Mr. Santiago with that killer Holt/Pimento plot was soo much better. What do you think of my take on the episode?

Didn't know people didn't like this one, I thought it was awesome. The live turkey plot was great, so many great one-liners as but what made this episode was the Holt/Pimento plot which was comedy gold from start to finish. Forget about Jake-Holt, I would watch a series about Holt-Pimento. Compared to how boring last


Pimento breaking into the house was the best.

hey we didn't see him die and this show is known for some crazy twists

So sad when Tandy couldn't open the door to see Mike, I'm glad Tandy and Lewis seem to have found some common ground though and hey Gary's back.

Am I the only one who hopes it's Pat every time something bad happens?

For a moment there, I thought it would lead up to him saying that used to be his furniture store.