Full Boyle

I guess but wasn't it at least a little more lively last week? I think TWD is taking a big chunk of it's audience.

Yikes this comment section is dead, doesn't bode well for LMOE's ratings :(

Liked the flashback, they should really do that more often.

Was way better then the last episode, but not as good as the war in the workplace one. I liked Zorn trying to teach his culture to Alan but the rest of the plots were eh.

Ya, I agree, while something like Halloween II made you admire the insanely clever plan Holt crafted, Gina's wasn't very smart. I still loved the episode, just wish they changed it up and actually had someone participating win like the first two.

Some Callbacks in this episode
1. Bingpot
2. Gina and Jake's relationship
3. Sex Tape Jokes

I love how all the characters become insane for the heist now, really solid installment, but I really wasn't a fan of the ending with Gina winning but the 20 minutes leading up to it was comedy gold.

I hope Tandy stops by Tuscon to check on his ball friends and a possibly alive Mike.

Man that was not good, I agree last week's episode was great, this was tedious and sick of the generic "nerdy kid tries to impress popular kid" cliche. Also, come on make a friggin' halloween episode, I hate it when the shows in a block don't have holiday episodes. Miss watching B99 in the slot. Honestly starting to

The Book Job
Sex, Pies, and Idiot Scrapes
Mono Leaves-a
Chief of Hearts

Watching it right now, I remember when these episodes actually had a Halloween spirit to them, that Hunger Games parody could have passed as a normal online short that has nothing to do with Halloween.

Terry's dad died in 1988.

This is what I love about B99, how they can just bring a character from season 1 like Lohank three years later, they just never forget about the most minor characters like how they brought back Carl and the Judge from "Jake and Sophia" for the Karen Peralta episode.

The only reason this "crossover" happened was to try to counter the ABC comedy premieres, the crossover aspect was ridiculously half-hearted for something that was advertised so much, I didn't even bother watching New Girl since I doubt there would be much of the 9-9.

It actually got a 1.2 in the 18-49 demographic which is up from it's premiere and higher then anything FOX aired this week minus The Simpsons, Lethal Weapon, and Empire.

At least FOX aired it in it's entirety, that's their best treatment of Bob's in a long time.

Still I got to give B99 credit for going out of it's comfort zone and doing something different, not many sitcoms do that.

I agree, I'm glad we got some solid time in Flordia. Coral Palms 1 & 2 were great, but this episode could have been the same except, they don't go back to the precinct and Jake is held hostage by Figgis leading to a Coral Palms Pt.4 as we learn about Figgis as a character and the squad tries to take him down. But, we

Wow that was WAAY too rushed, I mean couldn't they have cut the New Girl crossover or whatever and had a Coral Palms Pt.4 with maybe Jake hostage with Figgis or something? The tension ended way too early and after building up to Figgis since as early as the very first episode we saw Adrian Pimento it was a bit of a

Holt's power walking friends need to become recurring characters.