
Toyota said they’d leave the sport if the cars werent balanced. They want the privateers to have a chance at winning.

Hes not a jerk. He took the 2 weeks to see if the person was needed and or worth the raise. She wasnt so she was let go, seems simple to me

Translation, we f**ked up and its on the teams to fix it

Is no one gonna talk about that stupid NASCAR is only for white southerners thing?? Ok....

YES! someone who understands!!!

Watching it live and again now I'd put the blame on the ferrari. The #912 porsche's nose was already there when the driver of the Ferrari moved to block, he spun himself.

I get this feeling that its something i must tune into, it could be the history, the love of the engineering, or just to be part of such a large thing. Unlike any other race i feel the need to watch it happen.