
I got 11 balls today

Fans don’t understand free agency because the money that could’ve been spent on educating them and giving them critical thinking skills was spent on building arenas for their favorite teams instead.

He might not get traded.

This news is especially sad considering early reports that it was all fun and games.

He’s already demanded a trade to the Pirates.

Phillie Wap

Any person foolish enough to throw away their vote in such a way and be potentially complicit in the election of a crypto-fascist was never a real progressive. Just an angry and stubborn person looking for easy solutions to difficult questions. I’ve been a Bernie supporter since he announced, but you can bet your ass

“Hope Hicks” sounds like Trump’s entire campaign strategy.

The graphic maker died of dysentery on the way, I understand the oversight.

Weird, after 10,000+ hours of masturbating I'm still getting the same result.

“Methodology flawed; why are we discussing this?”

-Prof. A. Iverson, University of Pennsylvania, Reader for original paper

You mean like this?

I’m pretty sure his name is Matthew Dellavadova.

1. Go Jeff Gillooly on Stephen Curry.
2. Go Jeff Gillooly on Klay Thompson.
3. Go Jeff Gillooly on Draymond Green.
4. Go Jeff Gillooly on Andre Iguodala.
5. Go Jeff Gillooly on Shaun Livingston.
6. Go Jeff Gillooly on Harrison Barnes.

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

When my mom dropped me off for school everyday as a kid, the last thing she’d say was, “Remember who you are.” And I never did anything as cool as what Curry did last night. So I guess you have to be more than average for that to matter. Thanks for nothing, Mom.

also, this...

The only reason he joined Twitter is because someone told him he could block people.

It’s really hard to get the message the writer is sending when you don’t read more than the headline of the article.