
Jeez. Probably time to pull the plug on this Schiavo guy.

"All the greats put vaseline on their gloves."

Well the Cardinals can't really be too mad considering they all had Vaseline in their gloves last night as well

You becoming the self-anointed Knight Templar of Cardinals Nation has been one of the most overlooked aspects to Deadspin's epic troll job on St. Louis. You stay gold.

U.N. Jefferson and the Tri Lams are on their way.

At least he'll reduce the swelling by getting ice on it.

Who do you think this guy's hunting to feed, Charlie Weis?

Looking at you, Juan UriƱe

"Where we're going, we don't need Rhodes!"

Skip's definition of date night is not the same as everyone else's.

I wrote a song for Rocket Frog

Watch the video again. Kennedy's head goes back, and to the right... Back, and to the right... That is one magic elbow.

Ref #1: Oh man, are you concussed? Do you know where you are?