
Well if we’re not concerned about how recent it is, I’d argue Jimmy Johnson and Barry Switzer were successful at both levels. They can each rot, but they did technically do both. The game was different though. And he never won it all at either, but I’d be hard pressed to argue that Jim Harbaugh hasn’t been a success

“If the key works Monday, I’ll keep working.”

Today on Deadspin: Chris Thompson breaks down Chris Thompson’s break down.

Dabo Swinney, if the rumors are true.

I wonder if he'll get this choked up when Dan Snyder announces Dabo Swinney as the new head coach.

You ok bud?

I am much more concerned about the young woman in the top page. She appears to be wearing a Patriots jersey and a Redskins hat.  Did she mean to advertise that she only supports bullshit, was she just confused, were these the only clothes she had? Did she escape from the basement of man who owns every team’s hat and

FedEx Field is where you go when you want to be close to nowhere, adjacent to nothing, and 3-4 hours reaching the foregone conclusion.

So under the banner of beingpatriots” they feel entitled to overwhelm and displace the redskins from their native land, big surprise.

this sheer incompetence needs to be acknowledged in some way.

The funny thing is that this excuse doesn’t absolve him at all. It’s not a crime to talk to a foreign leader, so it doesn’t matter if Perry asked him to make the phone call. If he’s trying to claim that Perry asked for him to extort Ukraine over election interference, that means Trump is so susceptible to suggestion

Surprised you didn’t lede with this. Tragic but great local photo. That’s Ivana Habazin holding her unconscious trainer.

Man, Dabo Swinney’s gonna have his hands full with this mess once Dan Snyder convinces him to leave Clemson and take the Washington job.

I believe the game following the interception  would properly be classified as denouement. You get taken over by ONE shitty VC form and suddenly your sports blog full of dick jokes is too good for classical story elements and their proper naming conventions. 

Victim-less? Hmmm, I guess. Aside from the groups she specifically victimized with her meat-headed screeching (Asians, Mexicans, Jews, those with very publicly acknowledged mental health concerns...), you’re right. No victims, just the pure Light of Christ shining Truth upon the world.

A big part of the expansion of Evangelism came from Southerners setting up their own schools because they didn’t accept the end of segregation.

Bonhoeffer’s “Evangelical” church is just mainstream Lutheran. American Evangelicals are a rebranding of revivalist fundamentalism, and completely unrelated in organizational, historical, and doctrinal terms - the two share only a name.

You can acknowledge, rightly, that listing it as a line-item instead of just integrating it into the food prices is a nasty way for restaurant owners to turn their customers against their own employees.

If there ever was a motherfucker who would tell a waiter “I start at 13% and take away one for each of your mistakes”, it’s this motherfucker.

I want to see his fucking tip.