
I love Gina and I resent anyone who doesn’t.

SNL *wishes* it could make a song parody as genuinely funny as pretty much anything Crazy Ex-Girlfriend puts out on a weekly basis. “Welcome to Hell” is cute but not especially funny and kind of lacking a punchline. CEG videos are like the gold standard of how to deliver a strong punchline while still addressing the

Arrested Development could survive without Tambor a lot easier than Transparent could.

Yeah I’m a bit of a sucker for good pop music and 1989 had some major bangers but everything I’ve heard from this album so far has been total garbage so I’m surprised by the warm reception. I guess I’ll have to check it out whenever she decides to put it on streaming services.

Season 4 of Louie aired around the same time the rumors were starting to come to light - that was the year with the really weird episodes with him and Pamela’s character, including when he literally forced a kiss on her and it wasn’t even acknowledged as weird. I haven’t been able to look at him the same way since.

If he had come forward and apologized it MIGHT mean something but up until months ago he was still vehemently and angrily denying everything so nah.

When you look into his work though it’s not super surprising. Tons of creepiness in Louie that got shrugged off. Especially the fourth season.

Yes it’s definitely just a total coincidence that Louis CK has been accused of the exact thing the rumors said he was doing!!!!

Assumingly the reason the NYT stories got made because someone heard the rumors and decided they were worth looking into. So. Not sure how posting them could be constructed as a bad thing.

I think the creators have said upfront that their plan is for 4 seasons. And it’s rare for a CW show to end after 3 seasons, they usually try for 4 or 5 because Netflix/syndication deals is how they make a lot of their money.

Community fans were smug but I don’t think the fanbase ever got as toxic as R&M fans can be.

I think Broad City is just at that “Season 4" point that all sitcoms hit, where we know the typical beats of the show so it’s not as fun or surprising anymore, even if the quality hasn’t dropped all that much. It feels like around the fourth season of every beloved sitcom, there’s these kind of criticisms. I think the

Somewhere along the way people forgot that Abbi and Ilana are the characters are not the same as Abbi and Ilana the people. Part of the joke is that Abbi and Ilana are out of touch and make dumb decisions, so if their politics aren’t perfect I don’t see that as a slight against the show.

The first three seasons are definitely the best but I’d recommend checking out the last two, they wrap the series up in a nice way even if they don’t always reach the heights of the first 3 seasons.

I feel like a similar thing has happened with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and 30 Rock. It’s weird how both 30 Rock and Community were pretty low-key cult hits when they were airing but their successors have gone on to (more) mainstream popularity. (I guess we can’t say for sure if UKS is more popular than 30 Rock was

Both in S2 and S3 Beth and Summer had prominent roles in a few episodes early on and I’m like “oh good this season will be the season where they start to get real plotlines!” and then they disappear after that.

I’m guessing these are the questions that will be explored heavily in S2. They’re already brought up a bit in S1, particularly with the Mindy St. Clair ordeal.

This article outlines pretty well why I think The Good Place will wind up being Schur’s magnum opus if it continues being as good as it is right now. Parks & Rec was great, but it was sometimes held back by its need to make everything eventually okay by the end of the episode/season, particularly in its last few

I don’t think that’s been officially confirmed, but it would make sense given that’s where everything that’s left Netflix has gone in the past 6 months or so.

Seasons 1-3 were structured VERY similarly - Bojack has a goal, that goal gets fucked up, he spirals into depression and does horrible things, resulting in devastation. That worked out great for all of those seasons but this season naturally had to divert a bit otherwise there would’ve been diminishing returns. So