
I agree that it got better during the Capaldi years. Series 6/7 were definitely the nadir of Moffat overcomplicating things.

My issue with the overly complex plotting of the Moffat era is that it often lost the thing I like most about Doctor Who, which is just the idea of celebrating how fucking cool and inventive sci-fi can be, and the feeling of wonder of traveling through time and space. It was hard to really feel that when the show was

I really don’t get this. For the first 6 seasons the show had no issue doing 13 episodes a year (aside from the year of specials in between Tennant and Smith), not sure why all of the sudden we have to take years-long breaks for less episodes.

Mine would be:

You’re right, my puny brain is just too weak to understand the great complexity of Moffat’s era of Doctor Who.

I really hope Chibnall is willing to let other writers take the reigns for S12. The stretch from Demons of the Punjab through It Takes You Away is exactly what I wanted out of this new era of Doctor Who - self-contained stories that have a focus on character and hone in on the joy of traveling through time and space

Yeah this is the first era of Doctor Who since the revival where the historicals don’t feel like they’re being done out of half-assed obligation (save for an occasional “Fires of Pompeii” or “Vincent and the Doctor”)

I think that Chibnall’s a weak writer but a good showrunner. I like the Doctor, the companions and the more back-to-basics approach, but the episodes he wrote felt kind of like “My First Sci-Fi Script” episodes. The back half of the season, with the episodes penned by other writers, was much, much better. To me

It’s not just Doctor Who though, the trend in TV in general has been longer breaks and shorter seasons....see Game of Thrones, Westworld, Stranger Things, ect. It was really not that long ago that it was standard to expect your favorite show to air 13+ episodes a year, now it you get 10 episodes every 18 months it

Series 12 has already been confirmed and they confirmed that Chibnall and Whitaker will be in it. There are some rumors floating around that S12 will be the last for them, but they don’t seem to be substantiated by anyone credible so I’d take it with a grain of salt. The season has been a big ratings success after the

Series 7 was seriously awful. It felt like they focused all of their energy on the upcoming 50th and forgot to put effort into any of the episodes.

I’d put it above Series 2, Series 6, and Series 7 for sure. Honestly I’d put it about on par with Capaldi’s first year. Not everything works and there’s no real classics (yet), but I dig the vibe and it’s pleasantly consistent overall.

The next four episodes will be written by someone else, so maybe we’ll see some improvements in regards to plot/dialogue.

I really liked the Capaldi era too but I also kind of get why it was the least popular era of the new series - it was dark as hell and very introspective, not exactly the kind of stuff a casual viewer could jump into and enjoy. This season seems like it is definitely trying to be the polar opposite of that in every

Reddit has been whining about this season since Jodie Whitaker was announced as the Doctor.

Dialogue is definitely his weak point. Everything just feels a little stilted. It’s especially apparent because RTD and Moffat were both good, snappy dialogue writers.

Totally agree that this ending would’ve worked better if it had been about one of Rebecca’s actual crimes, like the Mona hit or the deportation attempt. Using the one situation where Rebecca was actually kind of justified in her behavior to serve as her finally “accepting responsibility for her actions” doesn’t feel

I’d probably give this episode like a C or a C- honestly. I’ve liked just about everything the show has done so far, but this whole Trent/murder storyline feels very overdramatic and “TV drama plot twist” in a way the show never has before. Definitely disappointed with this ending after a season I thought was overall

Agreed, something about the Trent plotline just felt really off to, too far removed from reality maybe? I agree with the review that a lot happened that just felt like it would never happen in real life, which usually this show is better at. It felt very...”TV drama.”

“Character carries another character’s baby” seems to be a popular trope right now - literally the exact same storyline is happening on Superstore right now.