
I wouldn’t say they’re “persecuted” but considering I’ve literally never seen a storyline about an asexual person on TV before I’d at least say they could use some more representation. I don’t think every Todd storyline needs to be about how he’s asexual, but it’s a nice character detail and I’m glad they gave it some

Damn, it’s crazy this show has been gone since April 2016. It’s a long time ago...but considering everything that’s happened since it feels like centuries ago.

I have an iPhone right now (the SE, which was designed as a “cheaper” model) but once this phone dies I’m likely going Android. The new iPhones are dropping features despite being more expensive, I see no reason to stick around.

You do realize that *most* of the characters on this show are animals...?

Yes because believing in free healthcare and college for everyone and class equality is absolutely on par with being an anti-abortion climate change denier. Let’s definitely lump them all into the same category for some reason!

I agree, but why do Hillary and the Democrats never get part of the blame for not mobilizing the could-be Democrat voters who stayed home or went third party? I happily voted for Clinton, but her campaign was not great. It was essentially “vote for me because Trump sucks and you probably will anyway because LOL he’s

I also found her inviting herself to Lawerence’s friend’s birthday party to be a

I think this season has been strong from the start, and I never understood the “this season is showing signs of weakness” complaints. The only episode that I didn’t love was the superhero parody but even that was still fun.

♫Generic 2014 pop song♫ 

Seasons 2 and 3 are better but I’ll go to bat for the back half of Season 1 as being basically just as good. “The Telescope” and “Downer Ending” are beautiful episodes of TV.

I believe they were sent the first 6 episodes and it was episode 7 when the show really took a darker and deeper turn (although I’d argue there were signs of it heading in that direction sprinkled in those first 6 episodes.)

I don’t think Bojack is really a show where you can cherry pick episodes to watch. Each season has its own specific emotional arc, and there’s a lot of subtle and gradual character work that accumulates slowly and builds to emotionally explosive finishes. I think you miss out on that well-honed plotting and

I wish people would stop blaming Sean and Laura for this. It’s obvious this was a corporate move and they had little say in it.

This works for some episodes but it's not working for everything I try unfortunately.

This works for some episodes but it's not working for everything I try unfortunately.

Thanks! This is one positive at least.

Thanks! This is one positive at least.

Same, and now it's pretty hard to go back and read old reviews at all since the consolidated TV show pages are totally gone.

Same, and now it's pretty hard to go back and read old reviews at all since the consolidated TV show pages are totally gone.

So uh RIP this comments section I guess???