
I think it works for some people but it's just not my thing at all. This episode does a pretty good job of outlining why…

Everyone is just kind of assuming she is but there's been no word one way or the other.

The Simpsons, 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, Arrested Development, Rick & Morty, Review, Broad City, Always Sunny…and like a LOT of other stuff

They have a syndication deal with TBS that is dependent upon one more season I think. I'm sure it will get another season somewhere, not sure if it will be FOX though.

I'd be pretty surprised if they don't use Will & Grace as an anchor.

It kind of seems like they are expanding their comedy block. I don't see how else they could air all of these comedies. In which case, I could see one of them surviving as a "we could slot this in in case something fails" option.

Hell Bent was definitely convoluted but I found it more tolerable than the other convoluted Moffat twists of Seasons 6-8.

I know it's all based on circumstance but it would kind of piss me off if we only got one season of Bill after almost three seasons of Clara.

I think a lot of the "Doctor Who is good again!!!" buzz is forgetting how great S9 was. It was a really great season, guys!

Sue was great and I will miss her a lot.

This is interesting because I thought S5 was honestly really great. Not as great as Seasons 3 & 4 which I'd say will probably remain the show's peak, but I thought it didn't miss a step. The only real issue I had with S5 was that centering the entire season around the vote & such a short period of time made things

Debra Wilson's Oprah was brilliant. I don't understand why she never broke out, she was consistently great on Mad TV.

Same here! Except it's ending right as I start grad school to embark on a new career so…that would feel weirdly appropriate.

I haven't seen it yet but I've been surprised at how much I've been digging New Girl this season. They've found a nice later-seasons groove and I hope they get a chance to wrap it up properly.

Mad TV was a lot of things but it was certainly not lacking in talent. And while I'd hesitate to say it was ever great overall it had moments of greatness.

This sketch is absurdist genius and no one will tell me otherwise:

Yeah, I think there was just too much going on in S3 to figure Nick and Jess out correctly. The show simplified a lot in Seasons 4-6 - rather than trying to give every single character a complex relationship arc, they mostly just focused on writing funny stories for their ensemble, and it really worked. Then by the

S2 is the show's peak, but I actually thought they hit another groove in S5 and I've enjoyed the past few seasons a lot. They've balanced the ensemble nicely (they finally figured out Winston! and he's terrific!), and recurring characters like Regan and Aly have added a lot to the show's world. It did get a lot

New Girl is either over or ending next year, so I am fine with them going back to Nick/Jess at the end.

I think CEG actively criticizes the romcom genre in a way that none of these shows do. It does sometimes use the tropes, but only to scrutinize them and demonstrate how they're toxic for its main character.