
Bob's Burgers' availability on Netflix is one of the main reasons why it has gained a sizable following despite its relatively low-key position on FOX so I'm sure they're bummed. I really hope they get it put back on but unfortunately I don't know how much of a say the show's creators really have…

30 Rock and Community had great first seasons.

It's not even streaming anywhere else, is it? This fucking sucks.

Early on they were very clearly trying to fit in with the Seth MacFarlane humor that was dominating FOX's animated slate at the time. Over the course of S1 they start to find their own voice, and by S2 that voice is cemented and the rude/crude brand of humor is almost completely gone. There's still the occasional

Oooh I wanna do this one!

Last scene of the finale, for sure.

Yeah, and it's also weird just how much things have changed in less than a decade. Just the concept of a "TV DVD commercial" seems a little archaic now.

I'm with you on this show and fell off about two weeks ago. I wanted to keep watching to keep up with the ~critical dialogue~ but I just found it frustrating and frankly kind of boring. Like you said, I don't feel the show has any real point of view other than "look at this cool shit we're doing with this Marvel

I kind of want this show to end with Pete (the character) failing at comedy and moving to a different career. Not because I dislike Pete Holmes, but it would be an interesting and ballsy change of pace from the many, many shows about successful comedians. I really enjoy how this show portrays how fucking terrible it

I honestly had no idea that "Linda is terrible" is an opinion anyone had until this comments section/review. She was a little grating in the very earliest episodes but around the dinner theater episode in S1 they found a fun angle for her (instead of making her nag like every other sitcom wife, let's just make her

Yeah, last year I remember that ~30 inch blizzard totally snuck up on them.

This sleet shit is so much worse! It was so loud that it woke me up this morning. And it makes 5 inches of snow feel like 25 inches when shoveling.

I disagree with some of these. I don't see Tom, Ben or Marge as Trump supporters, and I doubt any of the the Friends characters would've been either (there are very few vocal Trump supporters in Manhattan.)

Eh I could definitely buy Leslie as a big Hillary supporter. But yeah, loving Ron Swanson means accepting that his politics are pretty shitty. I don't know if he would've been a Trump supporter but there's no way in hell he would ever vote for a liberal candidate.

Season 2 is a lot better than Season 1. I would still hesitate to call it "great" but it's a pleasant way to pass the time.

Yeah…like, I don't like Gus and he was annoying in other parts of this episode, but he was not really that out of line for getting a flirty vibe from her. And I mean, if she was buying him a drink as a friendly gesture then his "no, I'm fine, I already have one" was a totally valid excuse!

Definitely the best episode the show has done so far.

I don't think the show was completely clear that we were supposed to hate Gus in Season 1. I thought the tone was pretty muddy, I don't think the show itself was sure if we were supposed to root for Gus/Mickey, and I thought the characters were unlikable and mostly just whined their way through everything while making

The Arrested Development "revival" honestly pisses me off even more. They ruined a tidy ending with a super messy season and a random cliffhanger that's probably never going to be resolved. Why?

Agreed. It's a good example of the problem with these revivals. Gilmore Girls is a solidly '00s show that defines that era well, no need to bring it into modern times. Same with Arrested Development, X Files for the '90s, ect. I actually thought the Gilmore Girls revival was one of the best ones so far, which I guess