
Eh I think Gilmore Girls is genuinely good/solid comfort food TV. It was a notch above the similarly-veined "light dramas about pretty rich white people" genre that dominated network TV in the early '00s. It doesn't really fit into the current TV landscape, though.

I don't know why but Che and Jost are annoying me more than ever since Trump took office. Their smarmy and borderline condescending brand of humor feels very wrong for what SNL needs right now.

That Sessions sketch was borderline irresponsible with how much it soft-pedaled him. The TBD sketch was pretty good, though.

It's so painfully obvious that they only went with Baldwin because they were sure Trump would lose and now are kind of fucked, which has made this whole "Trump impression feud" even more painful. The show would be in a much better place if they had just given the spot to Atamanuik.

SNL isn't an editorial cartoon, it's a broad comedy show that isn't afraid to take the piss out of people like Trump, Bannon and Spicer (and even Conway as of late), so I think soft-pedaling Sessions deserves criticism. This is the largest audience SNL has had in decades and I'm sure many of those people don't follow

I agree that Forrest Gump was not the best way to go after Sessions. Sessions is Bannon levels of evil, so portraying Bannon as the literal grim reaper and Sessions as a sweet, simple-minded movie character rings false. This was their first political misfire in a while.

It's weird how this site has gone from being one of the best resources for freelancers to maybe one of the worst.

Honestly, Todd's Glee reviews are some of my favorite TV criticism ever. His mix of genuinely wanting the show to be the best it could be with his horror when it was total shit led to some great writing.

Oh, I agree with you for sure, it bums me the fuck out (especially as someone who's trying to pursue freelance pop culture writing and really could use a site like late '00s/early '10s AV Club), but I hesitate to call it "awful" since I do still like a good handful of the writers here. But yes, agreed, it's really

LaToya was one of my favorite writers who was still left. And it seems like Les Chappell is also angry? Are they cutting all of their freelancers or something?

I wouldn't quite say awful but it felt like it was something special from around 2009 - 2014 or so and it's basically become exactly like every other pop culture site. I miss when it was full of pop culture writers who weren't getting published elsewhere which resulted in a lot of great and unique-feeling content. Now

Yeah, I'm slightly confused as to what the point is? Should people who go to jail be banned from ever getting anyone's attention again?

The Season 1 theme is a better theme song, but I think the Season 2 theme song is a very good musical number in and of itself.

I was hoping Trump would wake people up but considering how conservatives have lined up right behind him even with everything he's already done, I think we might just be fucked.

Love is fucking awful.

I was expecting to be pretty lukewarm on this because, while I like Holmes, I'm pretty burnt out on "sad comedies starring stand-up comedians loosely based on their own lives."

He's not a Nazi but he's an unfunny hack who resorts to disgusting slurs because he think it's "provocative" and then throws a hissyfit when people rightly call him out on it.

It's not breaking new ground, but I give it credit for depicting non well-off people and actually being fairly upfront about their financial situations. I honestly can't remember the last time a workplace sitcom did that.

I genuinely love this show. The Superstore/Good Place block was one of the hours of TV I most look forwarded to this season.

I feel like her Jeff storyline is leading to a very sad place.