
My top 5 would be Rebecca's Reprise, Math of Love Triangles, We'll Never Have Problems Again, It Was a Shitshow, and (Tell Me I'm Okay) Patrick. With shout-outs to Friendtopia, Greg's Drinking Song and Remember That We Suffered.

This song really got underrated in all of the "best songs of Season 2" discussions in the past week.

oops yeah definitely meant the opposite of that

IMO SNL is/always has been relevant because, whether good or bad, it has (generally) always been the broadest and most wide-reaching source of sketch comedy/satire to broad audiences. It has rarely been the best and most effective satire, but something like Key & Peele or Kids in the Hall or The Daily Show or Monty

From what I've heard SNL was very close to hiring Atamanium for his Trump impression but went with Baldwin because they figured he wouldn't win and it would be an easy election ratings grab. Not sure if it's true, but it fits. And it's kind of a shame. Baldwin's Trump is good but Atamaniuk's is way more cutting.

Agreed. Oliver & Bee are definitely sharper but they're very much preaching to the choir. I don't want to take away from their shows which are very good, but they just don't have the same cultural reach as SNL. And while SNL's take on this administration hasn't necessarily been world-shattering, it has more bite than

Yeah it was brilliant. The political humor overall was pretty on point tonight, with the exception of Weekend Update (which is not cutting it anymore in Trump's America.)

I had some issues with the pacing this season (it was pretty obvious they thought they were getting an episode order extension that never came) but I thought Rebecca rushing the wedding made sense and was actually very in character.

I felt pretty weird when this showed up in my Timehop today:

I've been going to any protest that I can (living right next to NYC helps), and I also set up a $10 monthly donation to the ACLU (it's not much but it's all I can afford right now as a poor freelancer.)

I liked the pilot but was slightly concerned it would fall into a generic "Eleanor tries to be a good person, fails, then learns a lesson" formula.


It is so good. I haven't stopped thinking about it in days.

During the Obama era when "liberals are special snowflakes who get offended too easily" became the popular consensus (even among other liberals) everyone seemed to forget that Bush-era conservatives were the most whiny, easily offended crybabies who would throw a tantrum every time you said something slightly mean

I mean, the tweet wasn't great but it's kind of sad/funny that a lot of the people saying "we have to protect the children" are fine with climate change denial and anti-public school legislation.

I get the feeling they were expecting another back order (like S1 had) that they didn't get. Episodes 8 & 9 in particular whizzed through plot point after plot point like it was nothing. (Maybe that was when they realized they weren't getting the extension?) And we never really got to see the fallout of the "girl

Yeah, but Richard Spencer is 38. He's not a young idiot kid who might grow up and learn better. He's a fully grown and educated piece of shit who knows exactly what he is and what he's doing. No sympathy for him, hopefully it's not the last time he gets punched in the face.

As good as Baldwin is, I still think SNL needs a full-time Trump. Not having a Trump sketch the week of his inauguration is a little inexcusable.

I don't understand what people think we SHOULD do with Nazis. Do you think they will listen to reasonable debate? These are not just people we disagree with, these are people who support human genocide and ethnic cleansing. There is no "respect" to be had here. They're fucking scum and deserve whatever they get.

Why do have to be better than that? He's a Nazi. Nazis don't listen to reasonable debate. I don't think "sweet talking your way out of genocide" is a great political strategy.