
I thought last night's SNL was pretty shitty but now I feel the need to declare it the greatest television episode of all time.

Honestly I've seen a lot of liberals/centrists fully embrace her over the past year and ignore all of the dumb shit she's said just because she didn't totally cower to Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if she does better than people expect at NBC. This isn't MSNBC, it's NBC proper, which is centrist at best.

In addition to Ailes being a legitimate sexual predator I do think a lot of it is just about presentation. If these cute white ladies feel comfortable spewing right-wing bullshit then maybe it's not so bad! Same reason why every Fox panel has "token black person who agrees with our views which means our views aren't

She's already pretty hated among that crowd which I'm guessing is a big reason why she wants to leave.

I don't know but I'm guessing the previous head of Fox News being a giant pervert who loved to sexually harass women probably has something to do with it.

Replacing Gina with Pimento would be a shark-jumping move.

It's more serialized than Community was but I think the sense of humor and the mix with subtle but effective darkness is similar.

Yeah to me Rose was 10's weakest companion. Martha and especially Donna were better foils for him. Rose paired a lot better with 9.

Do we know if Capaldi is sticking around after Moffat leaves? I know after this year he'll have the same tenure as Smith/Tennant but it still feels too soon somehow. I kinda hope he sticks around for at least year one of the Chibnall era.

I thought I heard summer 2017? They're filming already for sure, their set was outside of job a few weeks ago.

I think 8 is also worthwhile, much better than S7, but 9 felt like it took all of 8's ideas and made them stronger, clearer and better.

Season 9 was really good and the second best Moffat season after Season 5. I would definitely recommend it.

The "fuck you 2016!" every time a 90 year celebrity died got kind of old, but considering 2016 saw xenophobia and fascism bursting into the political scene (and not just in the U.S, don't forget Brexit) combined with a lot of high-profile tragedies made 2016 feel particularly bad in a historical sense. Every year has

It's been so prevalent that this year I feel like the "discourse" over it has actually circled back around to "actually you're wrong for thinking it's problematic and here's why!!!"

I'm having sort of an existential crisis too…I've been out of college for almost two years now, my very expensive college degree (Communication & minor in creative writing) has done almost nothing for me and I'm stuck doing a lot of shitty service jobs that I'm getting real tired of. My dream was always to be a comedy

It's not really one bad opinion as much as "consistently being hilariously out of touch with anyone who isn't an elite multi-millionaire culiminating in one particularly awful opinion"

Any thought that starts with "Gwenyth Paltrow is right" is probably wrong.

Yep, they need someone to do Trump full-time and he's the obvious pick. And his Trump is even more brutal than Baldwin's.

It really does get lost that it was conservatives who started the whole bathroom debate, not liberals. There was no issue until conservatives had an issue with trans people using the bathrooms they identified with. It wasn't liberals wagging their finger at people, it was the GOP throwing a temper tantrum over

I agree with you! But saying "it's liberals fault for calling racists racist" doesn't strike me as the right way to go about it. I understood Stewart's point but it's a little too "BOTH sides are wrong!" for me in a situation where there is clearly more wrong on one side than the other.