
Kymmi would be interesting now that we've met their mom.

The Russ/Jacqueline stuff was the only part of the back half of this season that didn't click for me. I get the need to ground her but it's hard to take the Native American stuff seriously. And I really missed the weird, upper-crust cartoons in her world like Sedaris, Camp, Xan, ect. I really hope her storyline in S3

I think the Kimmy plot is genuinely pretty great and dark and deep. The Titus/Mikey storyline was also unexpectedly moving. The rest of the show is mostly just zany 30 Rock hi-jinks but I'm fine with that. The Jacqueline storyline lost me a bit at the end of this season though.

I thought this season was starting to hit a pretty good streak around the halfway point, but it seems to have slumped again.

Yeah, I'd really like to see a Donna Maria episode in S3. I mean, in S1 they established she's using her past to be a successful businesswoman so there's definitely a storyline there.

The audience was so incredibly awkward in this episode that it made it kind of hard to watch. The show wasn't great but it definitely wasn't bad enough to warrant complete silence the whole way through. I guess Nick Jonas fans hate comedy?

He only saw the first six, so I could see him thinking that based on those episodes, but the back half of the season has dug a lot deeper into the core concept of the show than S1.

It was surprisingly emotional. Kimmy/Cyndee is actually a really interesting relationship, I'm glad we saw her again and that the show hasn't forgotten the Mole Women.

I'm really impressed with how this season is digging into the characters and how its using its new Netflix freedom not necessarily to be overly dirty or serialized but to just get weirder in its humor and way darker. This is pretty much exactly where I hoped the show would go in S2 so I'm very pleased.

Andrea is Tina Fey's first good role since Liz Lemon.

"Kimmy Meets a Drunk Lady!" is definitely the show's best episode to date, and up there with some of the best 30 Rock episodes. I think S2 was overall better, weirder, and darker than S1, although S1 was a little more tight narratively.

Agreed, this season is deeper, darker and weirder than S1 and therefore funnier. This episode was seriously fantastic.

Best episode the show has done to date. Really great. Fey/Carlock's writing was basically made for the "Now That Sounds Like Music" runner, and this is definitely Tina's best role since Liz Lemon.

I disagree. After the first 3 episodes which felt like they needed time to adjust to being written for Netflix, I think this season is weirder, funnier and more consistent than S1.

Also, I don't know, $31 for 10 episodes seems pretty steep to me when I'm already paying $30+ a month for 3 streaming platforms. People keep calling this "revolutionary" but personally I don't think a lot of people are going to want full seasons for this much money when they're paying a lot less for entire services

It can be both!

I think the season legitimately gets a lot better around episode 4. It felt like they needed a few episodes to settle into the new Netflix rhythm, but once they do it's better than ever before.

What's especially weird about this episode is that they've noticeably toned down Dong's accent by extreme amounts this season so they obviously felt that criticism was valid. What makes that one valid and the Native one irrelevant?

Yeah that was great.

I actually assumed she was adopted the first time I watched her storyline because it was so ridiculous to me that they'd have Krakowski playing Native American that I didn't even process it. They really should've just explained it through that somehow.