
Generally liked the movie, but it’s telling that the same people praising it as a bold, new take on the franchise are disappointed when anyone offers a whiff of criticism and dismiss most of it as bad-faith trolling.

It’s not like a bunch of people were saying ‘Wow, Massoud is so great in the regrettable live action remake of the much better cartoon you need to go see it anyhow!’

All of my favorites are on here, with one exception -

Really, the Nigerian submitting entity bears all the responsibility. Countries submit entries and then Academy adjudicates whether they qualify or not. It’s not unusual for a film to be disqualified, usually either for having too much English dialogue or for having an insufficient level of production involvement from

You're asking why a guy who had a clothing line at Kmart would say yes to this?

It’s always been specifically for foreign language films produced in other countries. When it was called the “Best Foreign Language Film”, films produced by US companies but not in English weren’t eligible (see Apocalypto, or Letters From Iwo Jima). The rules are still the same as they’ve always been, and the name’s

Are you barring this country from ever competing for an Oscar in its official language?

Once you change the name, you have to change the rules or else it’s stupid.”

The article is dumb and insanely biased towards making this non-controversy a controversy. 

I presume it’s not “International” in order to avoid dominance by the UK, which has a robust film industry with relatively heavy US market penetration and which often produces the kinds of films which the Academy likes to award.  Making it “International” would make the problem that Duvernay and others are trying to

It’s the “Best Foreign Language” category.  You don’t have British or Australian films in the running either because they’re made in English. 

exactly, they probably just changed the name because “foreign language” has ethnocentric connotations but it is confusing. It’s not like they robbed this film of anything, they knew they wouldn’t qualify.

I hate reading and hearing about Kanye West. He is a major doofus.

I’m really shocked that South Park wasn’t already banned in China. Are the episodes five minutes long over there?

Yah, I feel like there should be a ruling against this. Disney owns the biggest media conglomerate in the world, and the chain alone owns most commonly watched TV channels in the US. Blocking somebody from advertising in them is an extremely aggressive move.

Well, yeah, I’m sure that’s not a project she signed on to because it was a story that desperately needed to be told.

As is often the case with Always Sunny, the satire was double-sided: The Gang were obviously used to represent the entitled, occasionally belligerent fanbases of various movie franchises, but also Thundergun 4 was nothing more than a cynical, opportunistic cash grab that completely deserved all the criticism they

Hawke’s lifetime box office total: $839,786,290. Delpy’s lifetime box office total: $80,505,921

Is it weird that I don’t know you but now I hate you for making me remember that was a thing once? 

The link I posted above in the word “corrections”. You did read it, didn’t you, rather than ignoring the debunking of the myth you’re propagating because you were so sure it was true? If you’d even hovered over it, you would have seen it was to the Denver Post, which is why I referred to it as such in the comment