
Oh lord, I’m flashing back to the little tin Hitler types who moderated Television without Pity. Trust me, bringing in actual human beings is no guarantee of avoiding a witch hunt. Just the opposite.

I read the piece and it was chilling to me, pretty much the epitome of the banality of evil, but people apparently do not understand that—which is THE lesson of the 20th century—and have bought into the insidious notion that covering repugnant viewpoints is some kind of endorsement. We NEED to describe these people

I feel like Time has to explain this nearly every year. They apparently edged up to giving it to Bin Laden at one point — which would probably have been accurate in 2001, given their criteria — but the story is they backed off because they knew the shitstorm that would rain down if they went with it. I can even see

At least we got a great film out of the relationship.

I’m not sure I understand...she left because of lack of diversity but now that she left isn’t there even less diversity? I mean if they hired her wouldn’t that be the beginning steps of improvement? I’m not sure I get how leaving solves the issue, now they can just replace her with a white guy. Or did some big thing

I mean, what do you want him to say? People keep asking him about it.

Is AV Club the new Gawker or something? Things seem to have gotten significantly more snarky (mind-boggling to think that was possible) and polemical since the buyout. I visit the site with much less frequency as a result.

Bill Maher had it right. What he did was gross and juvenile, but it’s a bit early for the pitchforks to say the least. Franken should not be mentioned in the same breadth as, or shown alongside, Weinstein, Moore, Spacey, or Trunp (or even Bill Clinton).

I don’t believe she was harassed. I believe she had a photo that looked like it could incriminate Al and she ran with it, probably at Stone’s urging. Stone is smart enough to know that liberals are terrified of appearing hypocritical and would help him devour one of their heroes. No one’s life was ruined because Al

I’m with you. In an ideal world, even people guilty of relatively minor indiscretions like Franken would resign to provide some measure of justice for all the female victims whose careers were ruined by male harassers/assaulters, while the guilty men mostly kept working without repercussions. However, as someone

“You know, maybe it would be easier to just not be raping?” ~ not Harvey Weinstein, not once, not ever

It’s rare that one man can manage to hold a 17 year old PETA volunteer’s views on animal rights AND an 85 year old racist grandfather’s views of multiculturalism at the same time. He has also reached that far more common right wing sweet spot of dismissing actual sexual assaults in the news while pretending that

What are you doing to me with that headline? I had to click through just to assuage my worst thoughts that this might be one more nail in the coffin for grunge-era alt-rock frontmen.

Very big of her to come out and say she didn’t have anything to do with it. She could have rode that for all it’s worth.

I live within two miles of two pizza joints consistently rated in the top 50-100 nationally. I eat both all the time.

Just wait, they’ll picket Websters until they get the dictionary definition changed to “any physical contact I don’t initiate.”

That’s a lot of outrage for the guy who didn’t actually do anything wrong, but MIGHT have maybe heard some rumors about his friend and didn’t, like, go on the warpath to out his friend on said rumors.

I’m glad that the article was edited to change it from ‘Asked initially how he felt about the accusation, Stewart said he was “Stunned...I think,” adding that “You give your friends the benefit of the doubt”’ to ‘Asked initially how he felt about the accusation, Stewart said he was “Stunned” adding that “I think you

... Did he?

I’m genuinely asking, because I wrote up a blog tracking all the segments Stewart did on it back in the day (2011), and I sincerely don’t remember denial being one of them.

Best I can find now is Hollywood Reporter transcribing some of his initial comments “defending” Weiner as the story was still breaking,

He didn’t even do that. The first day the twitter pic broke, when nobody could get to the bottom of whether it was Weiner or the result of a hacked twitter account, Stewart said he hoped it wasn’t Weiner, and then used that as a springboard to make a bunch of dick jokes.