
As with most things, money seems to be what’s changed. Weinstein hasn’t delivered a big hit in years. His last $100m+ movie was The Butler(!), before that it was Django Unchained. Hasn’t had a 7-digit opener since Southpaw. Silver Linings Playbook might have been his last big sleeper hit.

Those of us who live on the Internet tend to overestimate how relevant a lot of this stuff is to the average person, let alone to world-renowned beloved megastars like the guy from “The Voice”. No duh they haven’t heard of it. Why would they?

Hate to be one of those folks who has actually collaborated with Fantano within the past week on a review and has had somewhat regular conversations with him, but that Fader piece was a total hack piece and borderline libelous to boot, deliberately stripping out context because Fantano has taken aim at some of their

This is a garbage hitpiece. I thought the AV Club had better editing/research standards than this.

Whenever articles about Avatar pop up you always get a million comments saying “Who asked for this?” Which is always a little puzzling to me. Now don’t get me wrong, the first Avatar movie doesn’t really hold up, and is a bloated mess, but the WORLD. You really don’t think this is a world worth exploring more? There’s

I kinda don’t get the anger over this announcement. Like yeah, Twitter needs moderation, for sure, but “wow how dare they focus on doubling tweet sizes instead of moderating hate speech” is kind of silly. Moderation is going to take staff and effort and time that they obviously either don’t want to do or find too

We’ve reached a point where anger is the primary reaction to absolutely anything. Excuse me while I dig my own hole.

I don’t think the social rules can just be re-written on either of those shows. GOT takes place in a fantastical world but it’s grounded because the characters remain very much human and are prone to the same flaws and mistakes that occur in human society. To remove it further from the real world would only serve to

I just adore all the fat-shaming here. I mean, we all know the fatties are inherently evil, right? And that when someone does something disgusting, their body/appearance totally have everything to do with it.

Y’all sound like a bunch of mean fucking fifth-graders. Hate this dude for being a pervy lech. His body has

Who is this person you’re writing about? What do they have to do with pop-culture? Why did the editors let you run this? It seems like this essay that is better suited for your personal blog than Avclub.

Yeah. I already replied to this but it seems to have disappeared into the Kinja ether. They literally equated Trump/Garrison to Darth Vader, colored him orange, and had him launch a missile because the children taunted him. All AFTER Trump was elected. And they’ve been really consistent about NOT going after

But it seems like most of the Bernie supporters loath Harris at this point. Heck, I’ve met a lot of them that are turning on Warren, too. I’ve never really liked Clinton, and liberals should be adopting more left-wing positions. But as a lifelong progressive, I’m worried about the Holden Caulfieldization of the our

The Russians who paid for Hilary Clinton’s unpopularity really appreciate you sticking with them through all of the revelations of the past 9 months. With all that they did to earn Putin’s love, what they did to give you your hate of Hilary continues to pay off.

Wow, this has been up for an hour and I am the first comment to talk shit about Tyler Perry? Kinja really has killed the comment section. Anyways, Tyler Perry is a hypocritical piece of shit who has profited off of exploiting people’s religious beliefs with his shitty plays and movies, so its not really a surprise