In this case it’s not really about advertising, it’s about giving the concept of crypto legitimacy by getting a crypto business plastered onto an institutional thing like a sports arena.
In this case it’s not really about advertising, it’s about giving the concept of crypto legitimacy by getting a crypto business plastered onto an institutional thing like a sports arena.
I am going to have SO much fun when this crypto bubble finally bursts and these assholes wind up with a bunch of worthless funny money.
When it came to their involvement in entertainment, yes, they could have told them to fuck off, at least if they were willing to take the publicity hit. The committee didn’t really have direct power to force Hollywood to fire anybody because of the first amendment. In large part their power was the result of them…
Do you want him to voluntarily go to jail or something?
Nicolle Kidman is 56 and Lucille Ball was 45 when the grape stomping episode aired. Javier Bardem is 52 playing Arnez at 39. Doesn’t seem that unreasonable.
You joke, but “found footage Christmas Carol ghosts” does sound like a pitch that could sell.
... did the rest of the cast appreciate getting the second hand smoke from this? Movie sets are workplaces, not sure what the rules are in New Zealand but in most areas it’s kind of illegal to smoke in a workplace.
And “Sunday”
Pearl Jam wasn’t organizing that show and stamping their name all over it though, it was just an ongoing festival they were hired to headline that one year.
Whether or not he bears responsibility as an organizer remains to be seen, but even if he was completely disconnected a rushed lawsuit like this would likely name him anyway along with anyone and everyone it makes sense to name on the off chance the investigation turns up that they had something to do with it. Note…
Maybe, but it sounds like the human crush wasn’t really caused by rowdiness so much as it was caused by just herding people towards the stage in an unsafe way.
That Who concert in the 80s was probably the last high profile incident like this in the U.S. that got a lot of publicity. Looks like there was also an incident at a nightclub that killed 21 people in 2003, but I hadn’t heard of that before looking it up. Aside from that there have been a few other incidents like…
Hollywood movies usually don’t get formally “banned” in China, they usually just quietly don’t select it for release there, which is what appears to have happened with Shang-Chi. Will probably happen with this (likely more because of Cloe Zhao than the gay thing).
You make me blow one of my The Atlantic free articles on a story that just confirms what I said?
That wasn’t the creators, it was Alex Graves, the dude directing the episode.
TMZ’s copy on the post where they put this video up is pretty rich: “The actor addressed a swarm of paps Saturday who were hounding him in Manchester, VT, where he and his family have been laying low since the fatal incident but have been getting followed around, including on the open road, where the Baldwin family…
Not as weird as when you learn that Travis Scott’s real name is Jacques Bermon Webster II... like, if you’re going to change your name you’d think he’d change it to something more interesting.
Well, if they really don’t have any evidence about this I’m sure that will come up in the course of the arbitration of this charge. It is certainly possible that they just made it up, but I find that unlikely given that the firing was likely to be challenged and was likely vetted by their lawyers.
“So in other civil disobedience means doing everything the government and corporations tell you to blindly and to demand social change only by asking them really nicely.”
Well, if the police had just let Rosa Parks finish her ride we likely never would have heard of her. Civil disobedience only has teeth if the people engaging in it actually, you know, sacrifice something to engage in it. Perhaps their actions will inspire others to change rules and policies or perhaps it won’t, but…